Actually most of the information on Undernet's web pages are outdated and are currently being updated, and revised. We are also working on new documents and faqs to better serve the Undernet and IRC communities.
Documents project admin

At 03:02 PM 10/28/2002 -0600, you wrote:

The document you are referring to is many years old and is more or less
used as a historical ref although some info may pertain to the undernet
of today.  We suggest you go to and the links it
contains for current info about


Jurgen Kessler wrote:

> Hallo,
> here is my question:
> in the IRC Undernet Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Part 2 of 2)
> from Mandar M. Mirashi, I found these information:
> 3-8)  Can I move my channel to the Undernet? What are the advantages of
>       doing so? How do I register a channel?
>       You're welcome to start up your favourite channel on the Undernet as
>       well. Consider the many advantages. Much better facilities for
>       chatting, without the annoyingly frequent netsplits; much lesser lag
>       (check with /ping #channelname for yourself :); protection against
>       netsplit op riders who try to disrupt channels; no channel desynchs;
>       amongst the other advantages listed earlier.  We may even be able to
>       set up a gateway service between the same channels on both nets, if
>       all channel members are willing. (email [EMAIL PROTECTED],
>       if you wish to do this; or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED]). Undernet operators are always willing to
>       help you in this endeavour, so don't hesitate to ask us.
> Unfortunately this is not very actual so I want to know if this is
> still possible because I'm interested in linking two or more channels
> on different nets to create a bigger community.
> Another interesting gateway service I would like to get information
> about is described here:
> 3-9)  Can I communicate with someone on the EFnet once I'm on the Undernet?
>       (or vice-versa)
>       Occasionally, a few gateway services can be found on the Undernet
>       which allow you to communicate to someone not on the same net, or
>       which link channels. These include 'ul' - programmed by Tonto
>       ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), || - programmed by Wildthang (dvmitche@mailhost.
>, Orac - programmed by Ensor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]),
>       and miscellaneous others (including some by Run). Look around if
>       any of these is present, and if so, try /msg servicename help.
> I did not find any of these services.
> Thank you for your help.
> Regards
Py Fivestones

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