> I recently downloaded the ircd for undernet...but i need a full list of the
> commands available (actualy more the ones that require oper privilidge...those
> for normal user i know coz i join undernet since i was 12). Since u created the
> undernet ircd, u probably made a such a list of commands with sintaxes...if ur
> kind enough pls send it to me...plus any other documentation regarding the
> demon.

You can get a list of server commands by issuing the _server_ command "HELP".
(Not the client command, obviously.)  For syntax, many are documented in
the doc subdirectory, but not all by any stretch of the imagination; for the
rest, the source is still the best reference.  If you ask about a particular
command for which no documentation presently exists, you may get a more
helpful answer, but if we don't have time to put full documentation in the
doc directory, we're not that likely to write it up for an email :)
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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