I'm able to start GNUWorld if the modules are to configure like:

#module = libcservice.la cservice.conf
#module = libccontrol.la ccontrol.conf
#module = libcloner.la cloner.conf
#module = libnickserv.la nickserv.conf
module = libstats.la stats.conf
module = libscanner.la scanner.conf
module = libgnutest.la gnutest.conf
module = libclientExample.la clientExample.conf

And if I active other modules, I see an error and service don't start.
This is a copy past of the error:

GNUWorld version 2.1
Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GNUWorld comes with NO WARRANTY,
to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of GNUWorld
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters,
see the files named COPYING.

*** Running in debug mode...
*** Running in verbose mode...
Numeric: 51
Max Clients (bogus): 1023
Uplink Name: Irc.FrancoNet.Net
Port: 4400
Server Name: Services.FrancoNet.Net
Server Description: FrancoNet Services
xServer::charYY> Az
xServer::charXXX> AP]
xServer::intYY> 51
xServer::intXXX> 1023
xServer> Loaded 37 command handlers
xServer> Found module: libcservice.la (Config: cservice.conf)
Segmentation fault

I have run it from GDB --->

(gdb) exec gnuworlg
(bdb) run -c
Starting program: /irc/gnuworld/bin/gnuworld -c
[New Thread 1024 (LWP 869)]
GNUWorld version 2.1
Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
GNUWorld comes with NO WARRANTY,
to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of GNUWorld
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters,
see the files named COPYING.

*** Running in debug mode...
*** Running in verbose mode...
Numeric: 51
Max Clients (bogus): 1023
Uplink Name:
Port: 4400
Server Name: Service.FrancoNet.Net
Server Description: FrancoNet Services
xServer::charYY> Az
xServer::charXXX> AP]
xServer::intYY> 51
xServer::intXXX> 1023

### WAIT 1 MINUTE ###

xServer> Loaded 37 command handlers
xServer> Found module: libcservice.la (Config: cservice.conf)

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 1024 (LWP 869)]
0x40008ad9 in _dl_new_object () from /lib/ld-linux.so.2
(gdb) quit
The program is running. Exit anyway? (y or n) y

And GNUWorld run corectly if i unload cservice ou/and ccontrol module(s)

I use RedHat 7.3
GCC Ver: 3.2.1
PostgreSQL Ver: 7.2.1
IRCU Ver: 2.10.10
PHP Ver: 4.2.3
GNU Make Ver: 3.79.1
Kernel Ver: 2.4.17
Directory instalation: /irc/gnuworld
./configure string:
./configure --with-pgsql-lib=/usr/lib --with-pgsql-include=/usr/include
make string:  make
ld-linux.so.2 is on directory: /lib/ld-linux.so.2

Pleas help me tu run GHUWorld!

Richard Simard
P.D.G. FrancoNet
C.P.: 64  Succ.: Centre-Ville
Ville de Saguenay (arondissement Jonquière), Québec
Canada, G7X 7V8

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