From: The Desk Of Mr Harry Kessan,
Investments And Portfolio Managment, 
Royal Accounting And Trust LLC, Taipei, Taiwan.
Dear Sir/Madam, 
I am the exparte director heading Investments And Portfolio Management in the 
above mentioned firm in Taiwan. I am 
contacting you in view of an urgent assistance to carry-out a pending 
transaction which will develop a cordial buisness relationship between you and 
One of my client whom i have personally managed his portfolio for 10years now was a 
victim of fatal car crash. His name is Late Mr Saud Ed Abad AlKharj . 
He was survived by his fiance and a two year old son from her as they intended getting 
married but where trying to be cautiuos because of islamic law atitude to adultery. 
This were his only family and no next of kin, as he was the only child of Late 
Sheikh Hamza Al Kharj Al Faisal, who received royalties from the Kuwait
Government on one of his fields which oil was discovered and subsequently 
explored( the Al Jazriah Oil Field).
All subsequent investigation to find a next of kin was privately conducted by me 
and was futile. It is at this juncture that i and other officails managing his 
portfolio and 2 bank managers where he had his accounts now decided to make 
this proposal and transfer ownership of the portfolio to an agreeing party as 
beneficiary to the portfolio of the deceased.The reason why ownership cannot be 
transfered to his wife to be and only son is that islamic law will not recognize such 
and if an attempt is made on that it may put her in trouble with the authorities for 
giving birth outside marriage,so we have decided to help her by making this proposal 
and making sure she gets a substantial part of Late Mr Saud Alkharj property for her 
and her son.You must be asking where i got your mail address,it was made available to 
me by a junior director Mrs Fatima Abdul incharge of customer services on request for 
contacts for investment expansion for a client but she is not aware of this contact.
As all records and accounts regarding the assets of deceased were managed by me for 
10years running,if you are interested to assist us, all i will do is to 
incorporate in the old records recognizing you as the only beneficiary.
The banking law here stipulates that if such portfolio remain unclaimed 
after four years it will go to the public department. The need for a foreigner 
as beneficiary is occassioned by the fact that the deceased was not permanently 
resident in Taiwan.
For your assistance we made up of me, 2 senior directors in my firm and 2 bank 
managers in banks which the Saudi Government pay royalties accrueing to the 
deceased have agreed in fairness to make available 15% of all bank funds cleared 
and 15% of the royalties which you will continue to receive on behalf of the deceased 
as sole beneficiary every year. 
However we do not intend to share any interest with you as far as the estates 
and property are concerned as they will be going to the surviving wife and child.If 
you are okay with the above explanations, you may 
reply us including all your contact telephone and fax numbers so that we may 
confirm your genuiness,after which we will make more information available to you on 
how we will proceed. 
I must further assure you that these transaction is 100% legitimate and the modalities 
for this transaction is being 
handled by top executives which assure a risk free transaction. 
Please send all correspondence to my  mailing address at  [EMAIL PROTECTED] .
We await your timely response. 
Best Regards 
Mr Harry Kessan 

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