Hello, lately I've had complains about a channel I'm op in being +k even
though it isn't

When I look at it and our scripts are set to remove it if one gets set.

Then today (01/27-03) one gets kicked:

[11:12:01] *** hannnnne was kicked by Elsene.Be.Eu.undernet.org (Net Rider)

In private she tells me that the server says this when trying to enter:

[11:15:48] (hannnnne): [04:41] #harrypotter unable to join channel (need
correct key)

We do this:

[11:16:46] *** SirNick sets mode: +k 1
[11:16:47] *** SirNick sets mode: -k 1

And she's able to join again.

I don't know what else to write except that I hope it gets fixed if there's
anything to fix, if not then I guess it was just a side affect by the net
If you need more info from me then just mail me.

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