On Sat, 15 Feb 2003, Joseph Bongaarts wrote:

> > The spam to post ratio on this list seems to have gotten a lot worse
> > lately. Perhaps it's time to to consider limiting posters to
> > subscribers. Discussion?
> Not really and option since this is the support address for ircu... The
> coders@ list was made for low S/N ratio, though the posting restrictions
> there are overly strict if i remeber correctly.
> Of course we could always make Yet Another Undernet List, but we already
> have 4 for this committee
> and that seems a bit excessive...

Could this not be solved by having any posts off the list need approavl
from the moderator before being allowed through, I do understand this is a
lot of work thrown onto the moderator, but having monitored this list for
as long as I have, the spam to useful messages in this list is absurd.


> Good to see you around again Tom! :)
> -GW

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