----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mikael Hukkinen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 6:01 AM
Subject: [Coder-Com] (only wondering)

> Sorry to desurb.. :x
> I wonder if I can have the same connection class on all O-Lines.

Yes, you can. Unless you have a particularly large number of opers,
there's not really a good reason not to, either.

> And also, I'm not sure if I understand the Y-Lines, what's the
> maximum oper count?

When you /oper, your connection class changes to the class listed
in the O: line. There must be a free slot in that class, or you won't
be able to oper (IIRC, it will tell you something bogus like 'Bad
Password', at least it did last time I tested, which was around ...
u2.10.10.01, I believe.). Your sendq and ping time are replaced by
those of the O: line's class.

The maximum oper count is limited solely by the maximum
connections in the appropriate Y: line. Note that this shares with any
other (I:, C:) connections on the same Y: line, so it's not generally
a good idea to mix opers, servers, and lusers on the same class.

> My Y-Lines:
> Y:90:90:300:1:9000000
>  #Y:80:90:300:0:9000000
>  #Y:10:90:0:100:160000
>  #Y:2:90:0:5:80000
> Y:1:90:0:400:160000
> I dont really know what should be what.. :x

I'm assuming that you will use 90 for a server-server link, and 1 for
your regular clients. You can get by with this, but as I suggested
above, you probably want a separate class for opers. A line such
as Y:5:540:0:25:750000 is a good idea. In general, it's better to be
liberal with your ping time and sendq, provided your connection is
good enough to drain a full sendq in a reasonable period - this will
allow you to make better use of oper commands that return large
amounts of data, as well as providing more of a buffer against floods
from abusers.

-- Amarande

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