the way i would be inclient to implement a binary server - server protocol would be as follows

perameters shorter than 64 chars would have a one byte prefix with the msb 0 for a perameter other than the last or 1 for the last perameter
the second most significant bit would be 0

the low 6 bits would be the length of the perameter

peramters longer than or equal to 64 chars would have two prefix bytes

the msb of the first byte would be as above
the second most significant bit of the first byte would be a 1
the rest of the first byte would be the 6 most significant bits of the length

the second byte would be the 8 least significant bits of the length

this system should be quick to parse and allows anything to be in a perameter (unlike the old system which prevented space cr and lf being in perameters)

numerics would probbabbly best be done straight binary in the form scc
(65536 users per server should be more than enough)

ip's again could be straight binary with this system of perameter splitting

command tokens could be reduced to a single byte

btw can anybone exaplin to me exactly what libevent is and how i would go about useing it in my own application

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