"Barlad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I may have not correctly said what I meant. I was referring to the "hidden
> host" feature. I vaguely remember reading about it in the changelog of a 1.x
> version. For instance, if user joe has got the hostname: myhostname.com, it
> would appear to other users as 22492032.com (random numeric string).
> It may have been a patched version of ircu or I may be confusing it with
> another server. If this is the case, sorry for the bother.

The only "hidden host" feature in ircu is usermode +x, which
constructs a hidden host by concatenating the user's account name with
a network-wide fixed suffix; for example:
where my account name is "Entrope" and the network-wide suffix is
"users.undernet.org."  This was added in ircu2.10.11; to the best of
my knowledge, the version 1.x you were thinking of cannot refer to


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