chanmodetoken = "CHANMODEPRIV=" chantype level ":" modes [,chantype level
chantype = character defined in CHANTYPES 005 token
level = mode character defined in PREFIX 005 token
modes = mode character(s) defined in CHANMODES 005 token with the addition

CHANMODEPRIV informs the client who can use what channel modes, and in what
types of
channels. I came up with the idea for this token while talking to the author
of the IRC
client Babbel (Robert J. C. Ivens) about him adding support for PREFIX and
other tokens.
He said he liked those tokens but that it would be nice if the client could
know who can
do things. In the original RFC1459 type IRCds, this is not necessary, the
answer is
simple, ops (+o) can use every mode, and no one else can. However, IRC has
dramatically. Even on networks that don't implement any new levels, you have
servers that
use IRC services which have a services-only mode of +r to indicate
registered channels.
This feature goes back to at least Dreamforge. So even back then there were
things that ops couldn't do. More recently things have gotten even a bit
more complex
with the addition of halfops. Halfops is not always implemented the same way
on all
networks. On some networks for example, Halfops have the ability to
give/take halfop
status from another user, on some networks they don't. There are also some
networks that
added an addition to allow voiced (+v) users to set -v on users. These are
deviations from the way a client is going to expect IRC servers to act. So
probably wondering, why exactly does a client need this information? Other
than simply
it's nice to know what you have access to, it can be used to control some
features. For example, since the proposed CHANMODEPRIV allows CHANTYPE
configuration, a client could be made aware that internal features (say
kick/banning) shouldn't be triggered in +channels (modeless) to avoid an
tells you that +channels are supported, but it doesn't tell you whether they
are modeless
or not. Additionally, clients (I'm mainly familiar with mIRC so I'll use
that as my
reference) have "channel central" features. Where they generally have
indicating modes that can be set. If you are not +o, these checkboxes are
disabled (greyed out). Now some clients are smart enough that +h users do
not have the
checkboxes greyed out, but since halfops are a non-standard extension, it is
possible that only some or even none of the channel modes are actually
available to the
+h user on a particular implementation. Also, while halfops may be "standard
enough" to
include adding a method to specially support non-greyed checkboxes for
halfops, other
modes are not. Clients may also be smart enough to realize things that are
in PREFIX and
listed as higher precedence (to the left of) +o should also have mode
changing access,
but what about other levels? For example if I made a level that is lower
than +h but
higher than +v, does this level have mode changing access? There really is
no way to make
such an assumption with the current implementation. The CHANMODEPRIV numeric
005 token
attempts to correct these problems and others.

A brief explanation of the syntax of CHANMODEPRIV gives a bit more insight
into how it
will work. The chantype part is a character that must be mentioned in the
token. This defines which type of channel the given set of modes will apply
to. The level
parameter defines the level, defined by the mode character specified in the
PREFIX token,
the given mode set refers to. The modes are a little bit deceiving as they
do not
function as a standard normal mode string, that is the use of the + and -
characters does
not distribute to all modes following that character and preceeding the next
+ or -
character. The + or - character only applys to the mode it immediately
preceeds. The
purpose of this is to try and keep the size of the token's string at a
minimum. If a mode
character is preceeded by a + it means that the given level (on the given
chantype) only
has access to set that mode. Similarly, if it is prefixed with a - then it
means the
given level (on the given chantype) only has access to unset the mode
character it
preceeds. Additionally, two other flags are introduced that act similarly to
+ and -. TO
keep with the idea of mathmatical symbols, I have chosen * and /. The *
character means
"set on me" and the / character means "unset on me". This is designed to
take into
account the IRCds that allow users, for example, who are +v to set -v, but
not on anyone,
just on themselves. If * is specified it means the given level (on the given
can only set this mode him him/herself, and if / is specified it means the
inverse, that
is the user can only unset it on him/herself. And just a note, to my
knowledge, no IRCds
have any modes that a user can set on him/herself without being able to
unset it as well,
but since the opposite does exist, in the interest of completeness and
expandability it
seems like a good idea to include the possibility that such a feature may be
sometime in the future. In order to add this token and try and maintain a
degree of backwards compatibility there are some assumptions that I believe
consistent with the way current clients work and try to adhere to RFC1459 as
much as
possible. These assumptions make use of the requirment levels defined by
RFC2119. The
first assumption is if the server does not specify a CHANMODEPRIV, the
client SHOULD
assume +o users, and any higher levels as defined by PREFIX (if present),
have the
ability to set and unset all modes. The client MAY assume that +h users have
the ability
to change modes. The client SHOULD NOT assume clients below halfops have the
ability to
change any modes. The client MAY make any inferences about the type of
channels if
CHANMODEPRIV is not present, i.e., that +channels do not allow any users to
change modes,
however the client SHOULD NOT make any assumptions about channel types other
than "#" "&"
(defined in RFC1549), and "+" "!" (defined in RFC2811). There is still one
issue that
arrises that I've yet to come up with a good solution for, and it is for
modes that
require a specific usermode (not "channel userlevel", a regular usermode),
to set. For
example some servers now have a +O mode to indicate an IRCOp only channel.
Obviously such
a mode would not make sense if people other than IRC Operators could set
such a mode. If
anyone has any suggestions on how such a problem could be addressed, I'd
certainly be
happy to listen. Also one note, this token deviates from the Internet Draft
draft-brocklesby-irc-isupport-02 in one known respect. This draft states
that the value
of a numeric 005 token (the part after the "=") may not exceed 20
characters. It is
worthy to point out however that this document is a work in progress and it
is my belief
that this is more a problem with the isupport draft than it is with
reason I regard this as a flaw in the draft is it can cause problems. The
one coming to
mind is with the CHANMODES token. RFC1459 does not specify any limit on the
number of
channel modes that may exist, as a result some IRCds have more than 17
channel modes
(only 17 are needed to exceed the 20 character limit due to the 3 commas).
To allow for
compatibility it would seem that the number of characters allowed as per
that draft
should be increased.

Allows ops to set +/-tomlipskvn on # and & channels but not on others (ie

Allows ops to set +/-tomlipskhvn on # channels and halfops to set +h and
+/-tmlipskvn on
# channels

Allows ops to set +/-tomlipskvn on # channels and voices to set -v on #
channels (but
only on him/herself).

I am certainly looking for comments and suggestions about this token, and I
hope people
will consider it to be useful.

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