Got a Website, Need to promote it?

Search Engine Optimization and Submission for your Website!

First off, thanks for continuing to read the best offer fro Search Engine Optimization you will ever have.  We are a well known and experienced search engine optimization company and rest assured we have the experience and know how to get your website in the top ten rankings of most major search engines.

If you don’t notice an increased ranking for your website we will refund your money, no questions asked!

“We use proven techniques that can dramatically increase your site's visibility on the biggest, best and most searched search engines.”

For just $37.44, we will optimize and properly hand submit your website to the top and most relevant search engines. Our services usually go for $86.00 per month, and believe us our customers tell us constantly that it’s worth every penny!

 Don't be fooled by companies that claim they’ll submit your site to 12,000+ search engines for only $9.95, or sometimes even less. You’ll be very lucky to get list in two of those 1200 search engines, if you want to call them that. They're usually known as FFA sites, not search engine or directory sites and the major engines are starting to count these against you.  FFA sites are basically pages that no one visits with a link to your site on them. How much relevant traffic do you think that’s going to generate for you?

The answer is NONE, not one visitor and most defiantly not a customer!

So you ask why not just submit your site to search engines yourself? The answer is that search engines look for specific text or html on your website.  Every Search Engine is a little different.   Like it or not that is how they determine how relevant your site is to what a person is looking for. You can have a website with tons of great content and a great product to offer, but if the search engine spiders don’t like what they see you’re out of luck and they will not index your site in their database or directory.

“We specialize in helping small to medium sized businesses rank in the top portion of today's biggest, best, and most popular search engines. We strive to make your business succeed in today's fiercely competitive internet e-commerce market.”

We will request your web address (URL) and the keywords or search phrase you would like us to optimize.  With this information we will download the file onto our computers and go about making changes to the page as needed.

Very rarely are any of these changes noticeable cosmetically.

Don't think for a second that all we do is add or modify Meta tags either! We will inspect and optimize your sites title relevancy, keyword prominence in the body text and link text + much more.

After this is finished we will email you back the html file, which you simply load onto your web server. Once you've done that we will hand submit your page to the top and most important 50 search engines and directories. We will email you a report showing the success of the search engine submission.  Second, after a month we will send you a ranking report.  It usually takes about a month for all the search engines to index your site and add it to their database once it is submitted.

Remember, our client list is growing everyday.

We continually have satisfied customers throughout the United States and the world!

If you have any question please feel free to email us! Remember if we don't increase your websites rankings we will refund your money!

If you act now, our services are available for only


After September 16th, the price will return to $86.00.

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