While we're thinking about possible enhancements to iauth (c.f., the
discussion about letting iauth also handle server links), I'd be
interested in seeing a new local IRC protocol message to allow opers to
issue commands to iauth...and, obviously, some way for iauth to reply
(reusing the 'C' iauth message doesn't seem like a good idea for
this...).  Maybe something like:

Server side:
c - Command from IRC operator
Syntax: <id> c :<command string>
Example: 100 c :lock This server is being restarted for an update.
States: NORMAL
Next State: -
Comments: Conveys a command from an IRC operator issued via the /IAUTH
  IRC protocol message.  The command string is free-form text.  The
  iauth instance should apply access checks to the client in question;
  ircd only guarantees that the user issuing the command is an IRC
Compatibility: This is an undernet extension and ircd does not send this

IAuth side:
r - Reply to a specific user.
Syntax: r <id> <remoteip> <remoteport> :<reply text>
Example: r 100 23367 :Incoming connections locked.
States: NORMAL
Next State: -
Comments: Conveys a reply to a command issued by an IRC operator via
  the c server message.  The reply text will be sent to the specified
Compatibility: This is an Undernet extension and ircd does not support
  this message.

The IRC protocol command would simply be:

IAUTH :lock This server is being restarted for an update.

(And, of course, would be an IRC operator-only command...)

(For reference, the hypothetical 'lock' iauth command is envisioned as
blocking most incoming connections, displaying the given message--I've
always wanted such a command for ircu, and this would be an excellent
way of implementing something like it.  Certain connections could be
excepted from the lock--say, via class or IP--so that operators could
still get in if they get disconnected before they can /die, /restart, or
unlock the server...of course, this might be useful apart from iauth,
but... ;)
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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