On mån, 2006-09-04 at 21:36 +0200, Martin Schuster wrote:
> Hello Ian,
> >  * Type: integer
> >  * Default: 9
> > This is the maximum number of seconds to wait for the ident lookup and
> > the DNS query to succeed.  On older (pre servers this was
> > hard coded to 60 seconds.
> Thanks for this hint. We managed to install but we could
> not get the server to start. Neither changing the startup script to
> meet the installation settings helped, nor starting the server
> directly...no logfile output, and no debugging output with -t -x 9
> Config file looks ok, Server runs debian Sarge stable.
> Maybe you've got one more tip for us? The debian package with the .04
> version of ircu runs fine...

Well the newer ircd's use a new configfile format, check the
example.conf in docs =)

Ian Kumlien <pomac () vapor ! com> -- http://pomac.netswarm.net

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