On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 18:30 -0400, Guillaume Latzko-Toth wrote:
> - When was coder-com list created and dit it exist in early 2001?

It did indeed exist prior to 2001.  When precisely I do not know.

> - If the answer is 'yes', would it be possible 
> for me to be allowed to study the archives of the 
> list right from its creation, till the end of 
> 2001? (It's not possible on the present Mailman 
> interface, nor through the www.mail-archive.com 
> website which tracks posts back to 2001/04/29)

I am not aware of any archives covering that period.  Certainly I don't
keep any such archives.  Also, by the way, much of the discussion
occurred on other lists and on-line...and if archives of those lists and
discussions exist, they would not be made available due to security
concerns.  Sorry...

(By the way, I suggest using the term "request"--"demand" is too
Kevin L. Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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