Did this get through when I sent it a few weeks ago?

If so, given that there was no response, I'll proceed to fix the bugs
in the first set and try to get u2.10.12.13 out the door in another
few weeks.


Michael Poole writes:

> In order to help actually get .13 out the door, here's a list of
> proposed reports that I would want to be fixed before release.  If
> others have suggestions for additions or removals, or a good way to
> track this (because SourceForge doesn't appear to let one artifact
> depend on another or allow us to add new fields such as "Milestone"),
> please speak up.
> Proposed release blockers:
> #2874316 - Endless recursion in epoll engine
> #2862577 - bugs in m_invite.c
> #2852954 - Wrong assertion in engine_select.c
> #2803888 - +D removed by C not change to +d
> #2793176 - Crash with maxhops
> #2789732 - iauth-crash occasionally causes ircu to segfault
> #2789656 - iauth is not closed on /rehash
> #2701725 - /silence nick can give away server
> Things I'd like to fix but probably aren't release blockers:
> #2840365 - add_gline with expire time in the past
> #2596869 - burst parsing and bogus oplevels
> #2597518 - Oplevels are not being forwarded correctly in BURST
> Things that I wouldn't consider priorities for u2.10.12.x:
> #2854088 - Clients vs. initial stats msgs ("Highest connection count:")
> #2838262 - Special Ascii characters in channel names allow duplicates
> #2045361 and before, which are mostly suggestive of protocol changes
> Entrope
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