Hello everyone,

I am planning to release u2.10.12.15 sometime soon, and work towards
.16 in the medium term if another release is needed.  I would like to
make .16 the last commit on this branch, and focus on master
(u2.10.13, or whatever it will be called) after that.

The main reason for .15 is that login-on-connect does not really work
properly without commits 3cfdd224 and 8a0fce5c.

Also for .15, I also have a local fix (not yet tested, and thus not
uploaded) to fix the snotice group for "modifying global GLINE"
messages when the G-line was, and is, an AUTO G-line -- currently it
uses SNO_GLINE, but should use SNO_AUTO.  I will also triage some of
the open bug reports; there are some likely candidates for .15 there.

There are two other patches (to protect against channel flooding and
to support persistent clients) that I will review and would like to
include in .15 if they look safe enough, or in .16 otherwise.

Does anyone have other changes they would like to see in a stable
release?  To be eligible, the change should either be a bug fix or
have an existing, tested patch available.

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