Israel is destroying the homes of the families of homicide bombers.  So-called human rights advocates are screaming.  Me?  I’m applauding.  At least the Israelis are giving the families of these bombers five minutes to grab some of their stuff and get out.  That’s a lot more warning than the homicide bombers gave their victims in Israel.

So, is it working?  In the past few days two Palestinian fathers have prevented their sons from becoming homicide bombers.  One turned his son over to the police.  Another shot his son in the leg to prevent him from going on his mission.
Sounds like it's working.
And let me repeat this …both because it is factual, and because it pisses off so many Islamic sympathizers out there.
Israel cannot end the “occupation” because there is no “occupation” to end.  There is no “occupied” Palestine.  This is so because there is no Palestine.  It doesn’t exist.  That land the so-called “Palestinians” (they’re mostly Arabs) are calling “occupied” is Israeli territory.  It was conquered in a war – a war brought to Israel by the Arab world.  
Neal Boortz (a Libertarian)


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