Gracias a un cuello de botella de mi ISP mientra intente ver el sitio
oficial de avatar, salio este mensaje antes de ver una enorme
animacion en flash. DRUPAL otro SL, y eso que es MSN quien le esta
manejando la publicidad y sitios web a la compañia productora de la
pelicula. que ironico.

Avatar Consultants, Inc. is a well-established software consulting
firm that has been in business for over 20 years. We specialize in
many facets of engineering and software development, such as:

    * Telecommunications & Networking Device Development
    * Embedded Software Development
    * Web Software Application Development
    * Micro-controller Hardware/Firmware Development
    * Linux Kernel/Device Driver/Application Development
    * Open Source Technologies and Know How

For a sampling of some of our projects, please refer to the Expertise
page. If you have any questions, you can use our contact form to send
us a message.

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Juan Gabriel Márquez Ruiz
Ingeniero de Sistemas y Telecomunicaciones
Miembro Ubuntu
Cel 3013841546, Barranquilla - Colombia
Lista de correo de Colibri

El Directorio, el sitio del Software Libre  en Colombia:

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