
1/ check the permissions of your /var/lib/collectd/rrd (and /var/lib/collectd)
2/ collectd sends data with UDP protocol. So tcpdump...

3/ enable the unix socket on your collectd (for example /var/run/collectd/collectd-unixsock)
echo "listval" | socat - /var/run/collectd/collectd-unixsock
Empty on the agent ? -> find out why the agent does not collectd...
No data from the agent on the server ? -> find out why the server does not get the data from the agent everything OK on the socket ? -> find out why you cannot write on the disk (rrdtool/rrdcached problem ?)

apt-get install socat (if not installed yet)


Le 2013-07-25 15:14, Dejan Menges a écrit :

I'm new here, but I'm not new with Collectd. Using it for quite a some time
on CentOS, and must say didn't have any major issues yet.

But, now I need it on Ubuntu LTS. Trying to install just two machines with
default plugins, in local network (on Rackspace) where, using network
plugin, one is going to be client and another one is going to be server.

So there's no firewalls, security, anything in between, and to avoid for
this PoC any permissions issue everything is running as root user.

So my problem is that everything works fine locally, but data is not
shipped from client to server. I went up to tcpdump and checking traffic from one machine to other, and I see that it's sending data regularly, it's
not exceeding window size, etc, but nothing is written in
/var/lib/collectd/rrd/ from client machine on server machine.

I tested this with 4.10 (package from precise repo), 5.2 and 5.3 but lost any more idea how to try to narrow this down. Was also trying simple stuff
like enabling just one simple plugin but (as I didn't built it, and
obviously it's not built with with debug enabled) neither info or notice log levels are not giving me anything from Collectd neither on client or

Any advice will be appreciated (as in this particular moment these two
machines are not best candidates to set build environment on them, but
that's also last resort).


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