heya list. i'm sure i've botched something up here.

i've compiled 5.4 with debug enabled to try and track down a mystery
graphite null value problem from snmp, but when looking at syslog i
see a bunch of empty lines with just a single quote in them, and i'm
essentially missing all of my .rx values in syslog (switch interface
tx and rx). i grep for rx in syslog and i don't see a single one,
which is super strange.

i know the key itself is good, as the data makes it to graphite, but
syslog debug is... weird.

my config:

LoadPlugin syslog
<Plugin syslog>
  LogLevel debug

my types.db entry:
if_bytes rx:DERIVE:0:U, tx:DERIVE:0:U

and the strange output:

Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3
collectd-test.fsal-rs1.snmp.if_bytes-ge-0_0_16.tx 1287304.932991
Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3 "
Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3
collectd-test.fsal-rs1.snmp.if_bytes-ge-0_0_17_0.tx 0.000000
Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3 "
Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3
collectd-test.fsal-rs1.snmp.if_bytes-ge-0_0_18.tx 2752068.993087
Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3 "
Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3
collectd-test.fsal-rs1.snmp.if_bytes-ge-0_0_18_0.tx 0.000000
Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3 "
Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3
collectd-test.fsal-rs1.snmp.if_bytes-ge-0_0_16_0.tx 0.000000
Nov  5 07:21:01 fsal3 "
<snip...no rx to be found>

any ideas where to look?



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