
I have been trying to make use of the "match_regex" to filter out the 
individual CPU metrics. I am looking to use the Aggregated CPU metrics instead. 
The metrics then are to be written to a RabbitMQ queue. The filtering out of 
individual CPU and the Aggregation of CPU metrics work fine. But, the 
"match_regex"seems to be unable to dispatch values to the RabbitMQ queue.

This is how my "match_regex"plugin looks like :-

LoadPlugin "match_regex"

<Chain "PostCache">
  <Rule> # Send "cpu" values to the aggregation plugin.
    <Match regex>
      Plugin "^cpu$"
      PluginInstance "^[0-9]+$"
    <Target write>
      Plugin "aggregation"
    Target stop
  <Target write>
    Plugin "amqp"
    Plugin "csv"

The corresponding "aggregation.conf" and "amqp.conf" lie in 
"/opt/collectd/etc/collectd.d/". The "Include" directive in 
"/opt/collectd/etc/collectd.conf" includes all the *.conf files in 
"/opt/collectd/etc/collectd.d/". I switched on debug logs and this is all that 
I see :-
[2014-11-06 16:49:30] fc_process_chain (PostCache): Executing the default 
[2014-11-06 16:49:30] Filter subsystem: Built-in target `write': Dispatching 
value to the `amqp' plugin failed with status 2.
[2014-11-06 16:49:30] plugin: plugin_write: Writing values via csv.

The collectd version is 5.4.1 and the RabbitMQ version is 3.0.2.  Any ideas on 
why the dispatch to amqp fails ?

Thanx !
- mahesh.

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