Hi all,

>From the write_graphite plugin documentation: "The plugin aims to be very
efficient. It keeps the TCP connection to *Carbon* open in order to
minimize the connection handshake overhead." This efficiency is causing me
a lot of headaches. We're running 2,000 servers through a Netscaler
load-balancer which distributes the traffic to multiple daemons running on
multiple nodes in the Graphite cluster. The problem is, if a node dies, the
load-balancer will (as expected) distribute the traffic to the remaining
nodes in the cluster. However, because the connections are persistent, it
doesn't rebalance them once the dead node comes back on-line. This leaves
the rest of the nodes in an over-worked state, and the revived node almost
completely unused.

Any thoughts on how or where in the code to best fix this?

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