> Hi, 
> I'm setting up collectd for the first time and am having problems 
> getting data on a central server. To narrow the problem down and test I 
> only have the logfile, syslog, csv, memory, network and rrdtool plugins 
> enabled. 
> The central server, server1, has the following config; 
> <Plugin network> 
>    <Listen "server1.domain.tld" "25826"> 
>      SecurityLevel "Sign" 
>      AuthFile "/etc/collectd/passwd" 
>      Interface "venet0" 
>    </Listen> 
> </Plugin> 
What write plugin do you have enabled on the server?

> The 'clients' have the following; 
> <Plugin network> 
>    <Server "server1.domain.tld" "25826"> 
>      SecurityLevel "Sign" 
>      Username "username" 
>      Password "password" 
>    </Server> 
> </Plugin> 
Try getting it to work without authentication first.  Did you compile collectd 
against libgcrypt?  If not the signing feature may not work.

> I have logging set to 'notice' and nothing is being reported. When I run 
> a tcp dump with tcpdump -i venet0 -p -s 1500 udp port 25826 I can see 
> that the clients are connecting; 
Try setting loglevel to 'debug'.

> 17:06:19.760249 IP server3.domain.tld.38890> server1.domain.tld.25826: 
> UDP, length 1386 
> 17:06:30.395712 IP server2.domain.tld.49709> server1.domain.tld.25826: 
> UDP, length 1379 
> 17:15:19.755512 IP server3.domain.tld.38890> server1.domain.tld.25826: 
> UDP, length 1366 
> 17:15:30.376233 IP server2.domain.tld.49709> server1.domain.tld.25826: 
> UDP, length 1377 
> 17:24:19.753587 IP server3.domain.tld.38890> server1.domain.tld.25826: 
> UDP, length 1393 
> 17:24:30.372344 IP server2.domain.tld.49709> server1.domain.tld.25826: 
> UDP, length 1382 
Do these packets contain any collectd metrics in the payload of the UDP packets?

> I have the csv tool logging to /tmp/collectd to test. When I look in 
> /tmp/collectd on the central server there is no data for the other 
> servers? /var/lib/collectd/rrd/ also doesn't contain any data for the 
> clients. 
> Where is the data being stored and how can I debug this further? I am 
> using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. 
You must have a write plugin enabled.  Which is it?  That plugin's config will 
determine where the data is being stored.
> Sorry new to all of this so I might be overlooking something obvious. I 
> have google'd to no avail. 

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