Hi all. 

In the CPU Plugin of version 5.5, ReportByCpu and ReportByState are exclusive 
options, right?

So, ReportByCpu is like the old plugin, giving metrics one per cpu, and
ReportByState reports aggregated values for all the cpu?

If so...why are exclusive options? Both options are usefull!

If im wrong, and it should report both options (per cpu *and* 
aggregated)...well, i have a problem, because

<Plugin cpu>
  ReportByCpu true
  ReportByState true
  ValuesPercentage true

reports *only* byCpu (under directory cpu-0, cpu-1 and so), but i must 

<Plugin cpu>
  ReportByCpu false
  ReportByState true
  ValuesPercentage true
In order to having the cpu average (under the "cpu" directory)

This is from downloaded source 5.5.0

Any hints?


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