On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 6:04 PM Steve Wray <st...@wtfast.com> wrote:

> We are gathering both system performance metrics (eg cpu directly from
> collectd) as well as application performance metrics (eg an application
> sends some of its internal performance metrics to collectd via the statsd
> input).
> We'd like these to go into graphite with different prefixes eg the system
> performance metrics should go under eg server.sys. and application metrics
> should go under eg app.statsd.
> I've been looking at chains and I'd thought that this should do something
> like what we need:
> <LoadPlugin cpu>
>   Globals false
> </LoadPlugin>
> <LoadPlugin statsd>
>   Globals false
> </LoadPlugin>
> <Plugin statsd>
>   Host ""
>   Port 8125
> </Plugin>
> # This should be the default write, it should get the stats from the cpu
> plugin:
> <Plugin write_graphite>
> <Node "collectd_graphite">
>   Host "our.graphite.server"
>   Port "2003"
>   # it goes under server.sys.
>   Prefix "server.sys."
>   Protocol "tcp"
> </Node>
> </Plugin>
> # This should catch writes from statsd and send them to collectd with the
> app.statsd. prefix.
> # It should not get the cpu stats as that doesn't come via statsd
> LoadPlugin "match_regex"
> <Chain "PreCache">
>   <Rule>
>     <Match "regex">
>       Plugin "^statsd$"
>     </Match>
>     <Target "write">
>       <Plugin "write_graphite">
>         <Node "collectd_graphite">
>           Host "our.graphite.server"
>           Port "2003"
>           Prefix "app.statsd."
>           EscapeCharacter "."
>           Protocol "tcp"
>         </Node>
>       </Plugin>
>     </Target>
>     Target "stop"
>   </Rule>
>    Target "write"
> </Chain>
> Whats actually happening is that the statsd data is being sent to graphite
> with the server.sys. prefix.
> Any advice on using Chains would be helpful.

What if you use a consistent prefix when sending metrics to statsd, like

Then, use the replace target  (e.g.
https://collectd.org/wiki/index.php/Target:Replace) to swap
server.sys.statsd.* to app.statsd.*

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