smart.c is the source code, not the compiled plugin.  You are probably
missing the dependencies for that plugin.  You need to install
libatasmart-devel and libudev-devel (if you are using CentOS, or the
equivalent packages for Debian) then rebuild collectd.  Make sure the
output of the ./configure step shows:

smart  . . . . . . . yes


On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 2:51 AM Gerardo Herzig <> wrote:

> Hi all. I have install collectd 5.5 from sources.
> ./configure --enable-smart
> make
> make install
> Then, i modify collectd.conf:
> LoadPlugin smart
> <Plugin smart>
>   Disk "/^sda3$/"
>   IgnoreSelected false
> </Plugin>
> But, when i try to start collectd....
> Mar 29 08:27:40 proxmox110 collectd[4543]: plugin_load: Could not find
> plugin "smart" in /opt/collectd/lib/collectd
> Mar 29 08:27:40 proxmox110 collectd[4543]: Found a configuration for the
> `smart' plugin, but the plugin isn't loaded or didn't register a
> configuration callback.
> Mhm....So i check and smart.c is in the sources:
> root@proxmox110:/usr/local/src/collectd-5.5.0/src# ls | grep smart
> smart.c
> But it is not in the libs. So, i guess "make install" is missing something.
> There is a way to just compile smart.c and copy to the right folder, or
> something i can do by hand?
> Thanks!
> Gerardo
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