On 24/12/2019 10:55, Sebastian Harl wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 12:27:52PM +0100, Matthias Runge wrote:
>> On 14/11/2019 20:01, Matthias Runge wrote:
>>> I just wanted to circle the idea of having another
>>> in person meetup, probably pre-FOSDEM in Brussels (like we had this year
>>> [1]).
>> Let's move this a bit later in the year and also to a different
>> location. I have a plan where to have a meetup and roughly when,
>> but I need to figure out the last details.
> Thanks Matthias for setting this up!
> I'm very interested in joining as well but I would have had a hard time
> making it to Brussels. Munich, some time in February, should work for me
> however.
> Did you have plans yet for how to find a time that works for most
> people? What days of the week would people prefer?
>> Meanwhile, the etherpad is still up and open:
>> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/collectd-meetup-2020
> This is a great list!


thank you. It is good to know, that we'd have you in Munich.
Tbh, we did not decide on a day (or a week) yet. If you'd have
a preference (and/or Octo...), I'm eager to hear!

Personally, I'd try to avoid the week after FOSDEM and especially Febr.
10/11 (personal conflicts here). Other than that, *I* am committed to
make it happen and to make some progress.


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