Script 'mail_helper' called by obssrc
Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-coverage for openSUSE:Factory 
checked in at 2021-12-25 20:16:23
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-coverage (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/ (New)

Package is "python-coverage"

Sat Dec 25 20:16:23 2021 rev:46 rq:938526 version:6.2

--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/python-coverage/python-coverage.changes  
2021-05-12 19:31:34.463196155 +0200
    2021-12-25 20:16:25.089238496 +0100
@@ -1,0 +2,184 @@
+Thu Dec  9 17:16:23 UTC 2021 - Ben Greiner <>
+- Update to version 6.2
+  * Feature: Now the --concurrency setting can now have a list of
+    values, so that threads and another lightweight threading
+    package can be measured together, such as
+    --concurrency=gevent,thread. Closes issue 1012 and issue 1082.
+  * Fix: A module specified as the source setting is imported
+    during startup, before the user program imports it. This could
+    cause problems if the rest of the program isn't ready yet. For
+    example, issue 1203 describes a Django setting that is accessed
+    before settings have been configured. Now the early import is
+    wrapped in a try/except so errors then don't stop execution.
+  * Fix: A colon in a decorator expression would cause an exclusion
+    to end too early, preventing the exclusion of the decorated
+    function. This is now fixed.
+  * Fix: The HTML report now will not overwrite a .gitignore file
+    that already exists in the HTML output directory (follow-on for
+    issue 1244).
+  * API: The exceptions raised by have been
+    specialized, to provide finer-grained catching of exceptions by
+    third-party code.
+  * API: Using suffix=False when constructing a Coverage object
+    with multiprocessing wouldn't suppress the data file suffix
+    (issue 989). This is now fixed.
+  * Debug: The coverage debug data command will now sniff out
+    combinable data files, and report on all of them.
+  * Debug: The coverage debug command used to accept a number of
+    topics at a time, and show all of them, though this was never
+    documented. This no longer works, to allow for command-line
+    options in the future.
+- Release notes for 6.1.2
+  * Python 3.11 is supported (tested with 3.11.0a2). One still-open
+    issue has to do with exits through with-statements.
+  * Fix: When remapping file paths through the [paths] setting
+    while combining, the [run] relative_files setting was ignored,
+    resulting in absolute paths for remapped file names (issue
+    1147). This is now fixed.
+  * Fix: Complex conditionals over excluded lines could have
+    incorrectly reported a missing branch (issue 1271). This is now
+    fixed.
+  * Fix: More exceptions are now handled when trying to parse
+    source files for reporting. Problems that used to terminate
+ can now be handled with [report] ignore_errors.
+    This helps with plugins failing to read files
+    (django_coverage_plugin issue 78).
+  * Fix: Removed another vestige of jQuery from the source tarball
+    (issue 840).
+  * Fix: Added a default value for a new-to-6.x argument of an
+    internal class. This unsupported class is being used by
+    coveralls (issue 1273). Although I'd rather not "fix"
+    unsupported interfaces, it's actually nicer with a default
+    value.
+- Release notes for 6.1.1
+  * Fix: The sticky header on the HTML report didn't work unless
+    you had branch coverage enabled. This is now fixed: the sticky
+    header works for everyone. (Do people still use coverage
+    without branch measurement!? j/k)
+  * Fix: When using explicitly declared namespace packages, the
+    "already imported a file that will be measured" warning would
+    be issued (issue 888). This is now fixed.
+- Release notes for 6.1
+  * Deprecated: The annotate command and the Coverage.annotate
+    function will be removed in a future version, unless people let
+    me know that they are using it. Instead, the html command gives
+    better-looking (and more accurate) output, and the report -m
+    command will tell you line numbers of missing lines. Please get
+    in touch if you have a reason to use annotate over those better
+    options:
+  * Feature: Coverage now sets an environment variable,
+    COVERAGE_RUN when running your code with the coverage run
+    command. The value is not important, and may change in the
+    future. Closes issue 553.
+  * Feature: The HTML report pages for Python source files now have
+    a sticky header so the file name and controls are always
+    visible.
+  * Feature: The xml and json commands now describe what they wrote
+    where.
+  * Feature: The html, combine, xml, and json commands all accept a
+    -q/--quiet option to suppress the messages they write to stdout
+    about what they are doing (issue 1254).
+  * Feature: The html command writes a .gitignore file into the
+    HTML output directory, to prevent the report from being
+    committed to git. If you want to commit it, you will need to
+    delete that file. Closes issue 1244.
+  * Feature: Added support for PyPy 3.8.
+  * Fix: More generated code is now excluded from measurement. Code
+    such as attrs boilerplate, or doctest code, was being measured
+    though the synthetic line numbers meant they were never
+    reported. Once Cython was involved though, the generated .so
+    files were parsed as Python, raising syntax errors, as reported
+    in issue 1160. This is now fixed.
+  * Fix: When sorting human-readable names, numeric components are
+    sorted correctly: will appear after This
+    applies to file names, module names, environment variables, and
+    test contexts.
+  * Performance: Branch coverage measurement is faster, though you
+    might only notice on code that is executed many times, such as
+    long-running loops.
+  * Build: jQuery is no longer used or vendored (issue 840 and
+    issue 1118). Huge thanks to Nils Kattenbeck (septatrix) for the
+    conversion to vanilla JavaScript in pull request 1248.
+- Release notes for 6.0.2
+  * Namespace packages being measured weren't properly handled by
+    the new code that ignores third-party packages. If the
+    namespace package was installed, it was ignored as a
+    third-party package. That problem (issue 1231) is now fixed.
+  * Packages named as "source packages" (with source, or
+    source_pkgs, or pytest-cov's --cov) might have been only
+    partially measured. Their top-level statements could be marked
+    as unexecuted, because they were imported by before
+    measurement began (issue 1232). This is now fixed, but the
+    package will be imported twice, once by, then again
+    by your test suite. This could cause problems if importing the
+    package has side effects.
+  * The :meth:`.CoverageData.contexts_by_lineno` method was
+    documented to return a dict, but was returning a defaultdict.
+    Now it returns a plain dict. It also no longer returns negative
+    numbered keys.
+- Release notes for 6.0.1
+  * In 6.0, the exceptions moved from coverage.misc to
+    coverage.exceptions. These exceptions are not part of the
+    public supported API, CoverageException is. But a number of
+    other third-party packages were importing the exceptions from
+    coverage.misc, so they are now available from there again
+    (issue 1226).
+  * Changed an internal detail of how tomli is imported, so that
+    tomli can use for their own test suite (issue
+    1228).
+  * Defend against an obscure possibility under code obfuscation,
+    where a function can have an argument called "self", but no
+    local named "self" (pull request 1210). Thanks, Ben Carlsson.
+- Release notes for 6.0
+  * The coverage html command now prints a message indicating where
+    the HTML report was written. Fixes issue 1195.
+  * The coverage combine command now prints messages indicating
+    each data file being combined. Fixes issue 1105.
+  * The HTML report now includes a sentence about skipped files due
+    to skip_covered or skip_empty settings. Fixes issue 1163.
+  * Unrecognized options in the configuration file are no longer
+    errors. They are now warnings, to ease the use of coverage
+    across versions. Fixes issue 1035.
+  * Fix handling of exceptions through context managers in Python
+    3.10. A missing exception is no longer considered a missing
+    branch from the with statement. Fixes issue 1205.
+  * Fix another rarer instance of "Error binding parameter 0 -
+    probably unsupported type." (issue 1010).
+  * Creating a directory for the coverage data file now is safer
+    against conflicts when two coverage runs happen simultaneously
+    (pull 1220). Thanks, Cl??ment Pit-Claudel.
+- Release notes for Version 6.0b1
+  * Dropped support for Python 2.7, PyPy 2, and Python 3.5.
+  * Added support for the Python 3.10 match/case syntax.
+  * Data collection is now thread-safe. There may have been rare
+    instances of exceptions raised in multi-threaded programs.
+  * Plugins (like the Django coverage plugin) were generating
+    "Already imported a file that will be measured" warnings about
+    Django itself. These have been fixed, closing issue 1150.
+  * Warnings generated by are now real Python warnings.
+  * Using --fail-under=100 with coverage near 100% could result in
+    the self-contradictory message total of 100 is less than
+    fail-under=100. This bug (issue 1168) is now fixed.
+  * The COVERAGE_DEBUG_FILE environment variable now accepts stdout
+    and stderr to write to those destinations.
+  * TOML parsing now uses the tomli library.
+  * Some minor changes to usually invisible details of the HTML
+    report:
+  * Use a modern hash algorithm when fingerprinting, for
+    high-security environments (issue 1189). When generating the
+    HTML report, we save the hash of the data, to avoid
+    regenerating an unchanged HTML page. We used to use MD5 to
+    generate the hash, and now use SHA-3-256. This was never a
+    security concern, but security scanners would notice the MD5
+    algorithm and raise a false alarm.
+  * Change how report file names are generated, to avoid leading
+    underscores (issue 1167), to avoid rare file name collisions
+    (issue 584), and to avoid file names becoming too long (issue
+    580).
+- Drop patches
+  * 0001-make-data-collection-operations-thread-safe.patch
+  * change__file__report-dir.patch
+  * traced_file_absolute.patch




Other differences:
++++++ python-coverage.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.JQxosz/_old  2021-12-25 20:16:25.565238883 +0100
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.JQxosz/_new  2021-12-25 20:16:25.573238890 +0100
@@ -16,39 +16,31 @@
-%{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
+%{?!python_module:%define python_module() python3-%{**}}
+%define skip_python2 1
 Name:           python-coverage
-Version:        5.5
+Version:        6.2
 Release:        0
 Summary:        Code coverage measurement for Python
 License:        Apache-2.0
-# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM traced_file_absolute.patch gh#nedbat/coveragepy#1161
-# traced file names seem to be absolute now?
-Patch0:         traced_file_absolute.patch
-# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM 0001-make-data-collection-operations-thread-safe.patch 
-# Make data collection operations thread safe
-Patch1:         0001-make-data-collection-operations-thread-safe.patch
-# PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM change__file__report-dir.patch gh#nedbat/coveragepy#1161
-# Fix yet another regression in Python 3.8.10, this time about __file__ value 
for directories.
-Patch2:         change__file__report-dir.patch
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module devel}
+BuildRequires:  %{python_module setuptools}
+# SECTION test requirements
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module flaky}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module hypothesis >= 4.57}
-BuildRequires:  %{python_module mock}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytest >= 4.6}
 BuildRequires:  %{python_module pytest-xdist}
-BuildRequires:  %{python_module setuptools}
-BuildRequires:  %{python_module toml}
-BuildRequires:  %{python_module unittest-mixins}
-BuildRequires:  %{python_module xml}
-BuildRequires:  %{pythons}
+BuildRequires:  %{python_module tomli}
+# for database (sqlite3) support
+BuildRequires:  %pythons
 BuildRequires:  fdupes
 BuildRequires:  python-rpm-macros
 Requires:       python
-Requires:       python-setuptools
-Requires:       python-toml
+# coverage[toml]
+Recommends:     python-tomli
 Requires(post): update-alternatives
@@ -61,14 +53,8 @@
 %autosetup -p1 -n coverage-%{version}
-# do not require xdist
+# we define everything necessary ourselves below
 sed -i -e '/addopts/d' setup.cfg
-# writes in /usr/
-rm tests/
-# summary differs trivialy
-rm tests/
-# requires additional plugins
-rm tests/
@@ -80,18 +66,6 @@
 %python_expand %fdupes %{buildroot}%{$python_sitearch}
-# GetZipBytesTest.test_get_encoded_zip_files - needs zip command
-# test_egg - needs generated egg file
-# test_doctest - weird doctest importing
-# test_unicode - differs between py2/py3
-# test_version - checks for non-compiled variant, we ship only compiled one
-# test_multiprocessing_with_branching - whitespace issue in regexp
-# test_farm, test_encoding, test_multi - tries to write in /usr
-# test_dothtml_not_python - no idea
-# test_bytes
-# test_one_of
-# test_xdist_sys_path_nuttiness_is_fixed - xdist check that we actually fail 
on purpose
-# test_debug_sys_ctracer - requires dep on ctracer
 export LANG=en_US.UTF8
 %{python_expand # Link executables to flavor specific build areas, to be used 
for testing. build/ is shuffled around by python_expand
 mkdir build/bin
@@ -100,12 +74,35 @@
   ln -s $filepath build/bin/$unsuffixed
+# indicate a writeable .pth directory for tests
+mkdir -p build/mysite
+cp %{python_sitearch}/zzzz-import-failed-hooks.pth build/mysite/
+# the tests need the empty leading part for importing local test projects"
+export PYTHONPATH=":$PWD/build/mysite"
 export PATH="$(pwd)/build/bin:$PATH"
 %python_exec -mcoverage debug sys
-# the tests need the empty leading part for importing local test projects, the 
x is a dummy"
-export PYTHONPATH=":x"
-%pytest_arch -k 'not (test_get_encoded_zip_files or test_egg or test_doctest 
or test_unicode or test_version or test_multiprocessing_with_branching or 
test_farm or test_dothtml_not_python or test_one_of or test_bytes or 
test_encoding or test_multi or test_xdist_sys_path_nuttiness_is_fixed or 
+# installs some test modules into tests/ (flavor agnostic)
+python3 zip_mods
+# test_version - checks for non-compiled variant, we ship only compiled one
+# test_xdist_sys_path_nuttiness_is_fixed - xdist check that we actually fail 
on purpose
+donttest+=" or test_xdist_sys_path_nuttiness_is_fixed"
+# test_debug_sys_ctracer - requires dep on ctracer
+donttest+=" or test_debug_sys_ctracer"
+# does not find a usable venv
+donttest+=" or test_venv"
+# writes in /usr/
+donttest+=" or test_process"
+# requires additional plugins
+donttest+=" or test_plugins"
+%pytest_arch -n auto --no-flaky-report -k "$donttest" -rp ||:
+%pytest_arch -n auto --no-flaky-report -k "not ($donttest)"
 %python_install_alternative coverage

++++++ coverage-5.5.tar.gz -> coverage-6.2.tar.gz ++++++
++++ 38178 lines of diff (skipped)

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