phi-friday commented on PR #41039:

   sample dag script:
   from __future__ import annotations
   from pendulum import datetime
   from airflow.decorators import dag, task
   @dag(start_date=datetime(2022, 1, 1), schedule=None, catchup=False)
   def context_sample():
       def print_context() -> None:
           from pprint import pprint
           from airflow.operators.python import get_current_context
           context = get_current_context()
   *** Found local files:
   ***   * 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:32 UTC] {} ▼ Pre task 
execution logs
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:32 UTC] {} INFO - Dependencies all 
met for dep_context=non-requeueable deps ti=<TaskInstance: 
context_sample.print_context manual__2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00 [queued]>
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:32 UTC] {} INFO - Dependencies all 
met for dep_context=requeueable deps ti=<TaskInstance: 
context_sample.print_context manual__2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00 [queued]>
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:32 UTC] {} INFO - Starting attempt 1 
of 1
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Executing 
<Task(_PythonVirtualenvDecoratedOperator): print_context> on 2024-07-26 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Started 
process 307 to run task
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Running: 
['***', 'tasks', 'run', 'context_sample', 'print_context', 
'manual__2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00', '--job-id', '3', '--raw', 
'--subdir', 'DAGS_FOLDER/', '--cfg-path', '/tmp/tmp8levtm38']
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Job 3: 
Subtask print_context
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Running 
<TaskInstance: context_sample.print_context 
manual__2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00 [running]> on host 2393e38fe647
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Exporting env vars: 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} ▲▲▲ Log group end
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Executing cmd: 
/usr/local/bin/python -m virtualenv /tmp/venvbvs9imwj --system-site-packages 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Output:
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - created virtual 
environment in 306ms
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO -   creator 
CPython3Posix(dest=/tmp/venvbvs9imwj, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO -   seeder 
FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, 
via=copy, app_data_dir=/root/.local/share/virtualenv)
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO -     added seed 
packages: pip==24.1, setuptools==70.1.0, wheel==0.43.0
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO -   activators 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Executing cmd: 
/tmp/venvbvs9imwj/bin/pip install -r /tmp/venvbvs9imwj/requirements.txt
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:33 UTC] {} INFO - Output:
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:37 UTC] {} INFO - 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:37 UTC] {} INFO - [notice] A new 
release of pip is available: 24.1 -> 24.1.2
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:37 UTC] {} INFO - [notice] To update, 
run: python -m pip install --upgrade pip
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:37 UTC] {} INFO - Executing cmd: 
/tmp/venvbvs9imwj/bin/python /tmp/venv-callq63jm1tl/ 
/tmp/venv-callq63jm1tl/ /tmp/venv-callq63jm1tl/script.out 
/tmp/venv-callq63jm1tl/string_args.txt /tmp/venv-callq63jm1tl/termination.log 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:37 UTC] {} INFO - Output:
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO - {'dag': {'_dag_id': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          
'_default_view': 'grid',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          
'_processor_dags_folder': '/files/dags',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          
'_task_group': {'_group_id': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
     'children': {'print_context': ['operator',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
     'downstream_group_ids': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
     'downstream_task_ids': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
     'prefix_group_id': True,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
     'tooltip': '',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
     'ui_color': 'CornflowerBlue',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
     'ui_fgcolor': '#000',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
     'upstream_group_ids': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
     'upstream_task_ids': []},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          'catchup': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          
'dag_dependencies': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          
'edge_info': {},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          'fileloc': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          'params': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          
'schedule_interval': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          
'start_date': 1640995200.0,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          'tasks': 
[{'__type': 'operator',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
'__var': {'_is_empty': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          '_log_config_logger_name': '***.task.operators',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          '_needs_expansion': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          '_operator_name': '@task.virtualenv',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          '_task_module': '***.decorators.python_virtualenv',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          '_task_type': '_PythonVirtualenvDecoratedOperator',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'downstream_task_ids': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'is_setup': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'is_teardown': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'on_failure_fail_dagrun': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'op_args': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'op_kwargs': {},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'pool': 'default_pool',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'requirements': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'start_from_trigger': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'start_trigger_args': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'task_id': 'print_context',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'template_ext': ['.txt'],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'template_fields': ['venv_cache_path',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'template_fields_renderers': {'op_args': 'py',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
                                        'op_kwargs': 'py',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
                                        'templates_dict': 'json'},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'ui_color': '#ffefeb',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'ui_fgcolor': '#000',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
          'weight_rule': 'downstream'}}],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -          
'timezone': 'UTC'},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'dag_run': 
{'clear_number': 0,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'conf': {},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'creating_job_id': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'dag_hash': '331c7d69cf865719c0509d0b3d4e44f0',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'dag_id': 'context_sample',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'data_interval_end': '2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'data_interval_start': '2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'end_date': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'execution_date': '2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'external_trigger': True,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              'id': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'last_scheduling_decision': '2024-07-26T14:57:32.851392+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'log_template_id': 2,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'queued_at': '2024-07-26T14:57:31.749764+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'run_id': 'manual__2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'run_type': 'manual',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'start_date': '2024-07-26T14:57:32.796911+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'state': 'running',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -              
'updated_at': '2024-07-26T14:57:32.853627+00:00'},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'data_interval_end': '2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'data_interval_start': '2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'ds': '2024-07-26',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'ds_nodash': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'expanded_ti_count': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'logical_date': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'map_index_template': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'params': {},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'prev_data_interval_end_success': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'prev_data_interval_start_success': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'prev_end_date_success': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'prev_start_date_success': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'run_id': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'task': 
{'_is_empty': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'_log_config_logger_name': '***.task.operators',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'_needs_expansion': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'_operator_name': '@task.virtualenv',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'_task_module': '***.decorators.python_virtualenv',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'_task_type': '_PythonVirtualenvDecoratedOperator',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'downstream_task_ids': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'is_setup': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'is_teardown': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'on_failure_fail_dagrun': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'op_args': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'op_kwargs': {},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           'pool': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'requirements': [],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'start_from_trigger': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'start_trigger_args': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'task_id': 'print_context',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'template_ext': ['.txt'],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'template_fields': ['venv_cache_path',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'template_fields_renderers': {'op_args': 'py',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
                    'op_kwargs': 'py',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
                    'templates_dict': 'json'},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'ui_color': '#ffefeb',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'ui_fgcolor': '#000',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -           
'weight_rule': 'downstream'},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'task_instance': 
{'dag_id': 'context_sample',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'end_date': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'executor': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'executor_config': {},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'key': ['context_sample',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                     
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'map_index': -1,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'pool': 'default_pool',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'priority_weight': 1,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'queue': 'default',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'run_as_user': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'run_id': 'manual__2024-07-26T14:57:31.727299+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'start_date': '2024-07-26T14:57:32.992994+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'state': 'running',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'task_id': 'print_context',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                    
'try_number': 1},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'task_instance_key_str': 'context_sample__print_context__20240726',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'test_mode': False,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'ti': {'dag_id': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         'end_date': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         'executor': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         
'executor_config': {},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         'key': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                 1,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -                 -1],
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         
'map_index': -1,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         'pool': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         
'priority_weight': 1,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         'queue': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         
'run_as_user': None,
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         'run_id': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         
'start_date': '2024-07-26T14:57:32.992994+00:00',
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         'state': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         'task_id': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -         
'try_number': 1},
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'ts': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  'ts_nodash': 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO -  
'ts_nodash_with_tz': '20240726T145731.727299+0000'}
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO - Done. Returned value was: 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} ▼ Post task execution logs
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO - Marking task as 
SUCCESS. dag_id=context_sample, task_id=print_context, 
execution_date=20240726T145731, start_date=20240726T145732, 
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO - Task exited 
with return code 0
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} INFO - 0 downstream tasks 
scheduled from follow-on schedule check
   [2024-07-26, 14:57:41 UTC] {} ▲▲▲ Log group end

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