kacpermuda commented on code in PR #44477:
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/44477#discussion_r1863608223

@@ -2060,6 +2066,36 @@ def on_kill(self):
         if self.job_id and self.cancel_on_kill:
project_id=self.project_id, region=self.region)
+    def _inject_openlineage_properties_into_spark_job_config(self, job: dict, 
context: Context) -> dict:
+        """
+        Inject OpenLineage properties into the Spark job configuration.
+        Note:
+            This function will modify the job configuration ONLY
+            when the automatic injection of OpenLineage properties is enabled.
+            If You are not using OpenLineage integration, you can safely 
ignore this function.
+            # TODO Add more information on what this function does and when 
it's not doing anything
+        Read more about this feature at: # TODO: Add link to the documentation
+        Args:
+            job: The original Dataproc job definition.
+            context: The Airflow context in which the job is running.
+        Returns:
+            The modified job configuration with OpenLineage properties 
injected, if applicable.
+        """
+        from airflow.providers.google.cloud.openlineage.utils import (

Review Comment:
   That makes sense. The local import was an oversight, but thinking it through 
again, I realize I can eliminate the entire method and directly call the utils 
function instead.

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