GitHub user potiuk added a comment to the discussion: Error running a container

> It is normal that the official docker compose file is giving to me this kind 
> of problems?

This docker compose is not "official" compose. It's definitely not intended to 
work in all cicumstances on all environments and with all configuraitons and 
when you decide to use docker-compose, you need to know quite a bit of details 
how it works and how to debug any problems with it.

This docker compose is a quick-start that allows you to get up and running with 
docker-compose - but it's neither comprehensive nor guaranteed in all kind of 
cases. Specifically, if you follow all the steps includng
 - it has been tested and works in one of the configurations of docker - 
specifically on Linux Bookworm and standard docker installation. If you have 
any other OS's, docker-composes, volume configuraitons etc. it might or might 
not work. Generally `docker compose` is a tool for developers to manage their 
multiple containers and know how to modify the compose and debug issues with 

For example a number of container engines on Mac OS on Windows have different 
ways of sharing their volumes with virtual machines and they might cause some 
permission problems. It's usually something that can be searched for and fixed 
by configuring things better.

So - answering your questions - yes in a number of cases and environments, this 
docker compose `MAY` not work.

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