potiuk commented on a change in pull request #6702: [AIRFLOW-6140] Add missing 
types for some core classes. Depends on [AIRFLOW-6004]
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/6702#discussion_r353401169

 File path: airflow/models/baseoperator.py
 @@ -869,11 +877,16 @@ def get_task_instances(self, start_date=None, 
end_date=None, session=None):
-    def get_flat_relative_ids(self, upstream=False, found_descendants=None):
+    def get_flat_relative_ids(self,
+                              upstream: bool = False,
+                              found_descendants: Optional[Set[str]] = None) -> 
-        Get a flat list of relatives' ids, either upstream or downstream.
+        Get a flat set of relatives' ids, either upstream or downstream.
+        if not self._dag:
+            return set()
 Review comment:
   It's only when the dag has never been set. We could also throw an exception 
here (or assert :)), but I think returning empty set is a better choice 
(because no Dag has no relative ids :D).
   With MyPy we now detect many places where None'able (i.e. Optional) field is 
used to call a method which is great because it really avoids having a 
mysterious errors during development.

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