potiuk edited a comment on issue #7007: [AIRFLOW-6428] Add dates module to 
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/7007#issuecomment-570373212
   Why don't we do it "differently" ... 
   I am not sure why we are using those imports in this form? Do we have 
something that holds us back from changing all "days_ago" imports to the form 
that is much more pythonic (IMHO)? 
   Adding anything to `__init__.py` inside the application creates unnecessary 
dependencies. Anybody using "airflow.utils.somethingelse" will add an implicit 
dependency to "airflow.utils.dates" if we add dates to `__init__.py` - even if 
it is not used directly. This adds unnecessary dependencies (and leads to 
circular dependencies).
   I think most of our `__init__.py `should be empty (or removed  if we go to 
implicit python3 packages). I believe adding anything to `__init__.py` makes 
only sense if we provide a reusable library. with one package structure - where 
if you import it, you should have access to all exposed functions. I am happy 
to discuss it though, as we might have different understanding - and maybe we 
should expose all "exposable" classes from unit in this way as part of the 
"official airflow interface" (but I still think import should be `from 
airflow.utils.xxx import yyy` anyway).
   Just to summary - we have two options:
   1. Import airflow and then rely on the __init__ packages
   import airflow
   and then using
   2. Import the function directly (much better IMHO).
   from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
   Option 1 (with importing the whole 'airflow').
   <img width="486" alt="Screenshot 2020-01-02 at 23 16 23" 
   Option 2: (wiht importing only the function we need)
   <img width="489" alt="Screenshot 2020-01-02 at 23 09 14" 
   WDYT @kaxil?

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