mik-laj commented on a change in pull request #7489: [AIRFLOW-6869][WIP] Bulk 
fetch DAGRuns for _process_task_instances
URL: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/7489#discussion_r383451630

 File path: airflow/jobs/scheduler_job.py
 @@ -684,11 +687,36 @@ def _process_dags(self, dagbag, dags, tis_out):
         :type dagbag: airflow.models.DagBag
         :param dags: the DAGs from the DagBag to process
         :type dags: List[airflow.models.DAG]
-        :param tis_out: A list to add generated TaskInstance objects
-        :type tis_out: list[TaskInstance]
-        :rtype: None
+        :rtype: list[TaskInstance]
+        :return: A list of generated TaskInstance objects
         check_slas = conf.getboolean('core', 'CHECK_SLAS', fallback=True)
+        tis_out = []
+        dag_ids = [dag.dag_id for dag in dags]
+        dag_runs = DagRun.find(dag_ids=dag_ids, state=State.RUNNING, 
+        # list() is needed because of a bug in Python 3.7+
+        #
+        # The following code returns different values depending on the Python 
+        # from itertools import groupby
+        # from unittest.mock import MagicMock
+        # key = "key"
+        # item = MagicMock(attr=key)
+        # items = [item]
+        # items_by_attr = {k: v for k, v in groupby(items, lambda d: d.attr)}
+        # print("items_by_attr=", items_by_attr)
+        # item_with_key = list(items_by_attr[key]) if key in items_by_attr 
else []
+        # print("item_with_key=", item_with_key)
+        #
+        # Python 3.7+:
+        # items_by_attr= {'key': <itertools._grouper object at 0x7f3b9f38d4d0>}
+        # item_with_key= []
+        #
+        # Python 3.6:
+        # items_by_attr= {'key': <itertools._grouper object at 0x101128630>}
+        # item_with_key= [<MagicMock id='4310405416'>]
 Review comment:
   I will update the description during the next rebase.

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