BasPH commented on pull request #8621:

   I think we should decide if the docker-compose file will serve as a "hello 
world" example, or should it be something more complex, but closer to a 
production deployment?
   My ideas:
   - Users will likely want to use it as an example and change it for their 
specific deployment
   - I think these should be as simple as possible to run, i.e. a one-liner in 
the readme
   - I think the folder name "templates" is incorrect here, no templating is 
being done? Something like "examples/docker", or even "docker-compose" in the 
root of the project makes more sense IMO
   - There are already plenty of example DAGs, let's not add yet another example
   To address your points about the extension fields:
   > Most production environments like ECS/Fargate and Docker swarm don't 
support them unlike docker env variables.
   I think the goal should be a simple example docker-compose file. People will 
then extract bits and pieces from the example into their deployment. There's a 
ton of different ways to do deployment, so I would not aim for creating a 
docker-compose file with the goal of being close to one single deployment 
method. Instead, aim for something easy to comprehend.
   > Users might want to use different images and volumes for different airflow 
services. (Airflow workers might need java, specific python packages etc.,)
   Okay, why does this change the argument for using the extension fields?
   > Much of code duplication is eliminated in form of .env master file already.
   If we want the docker-compose file to serve as an example, I think it should 
be as self-explanatory as possible. Storing env vars in a separate file does 
not help that cause, I think using extension fields and having everything in 
the same file will be clearer.
   > Readability and Adoptation of extension-fields is still lagging behind 
with majority of docker/docker-compose users.
   How so?
   > Container names should be unique.
   You still have unique container names.
   > Advanced users can always configure the config according to their needs.
   See the following docker-compose file using extension fields, I think it's 
pretty readable:
   version: '3'
   # ========================== AIRFLOW ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES 
   x-environment: &airflow_environment
     - AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR=LocalExecutor
   # ========================== /AIRFLOW ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES 
       image: postgres:12-alpine
         - POSTGRES_USER=airflow
         - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=airflow
         - POSTGRES_DB=airflow
         - "5432:5432"
       image: apache/airflow:1.10.10-python3.7
         - "8080:8080"
       environment: *airflow_environment
       command: webserver
       image: apache/airflow:1.10.10-python3.7
       environment: *airflow_environment
       command: scheduler
   For the initialization I've used this thing in the past, worked quite okay. 
We could make it a bit more sophisticated, e.g. by checking some condition to 
be True once a second, instead of `sleep 5`:
       image: apache/airflow:1.10.10-python3.7
         - postgres
       environment: *airflow_environment
       entrypoint: /bin/bash
       # The webserver initializes permissions, so sleep for that to 
(approximately) be finished
       # No disaster if the webserver isn't finished by then, but create_user 
will start spitting out errors until the permissions exist
       command: -c 'airflow initdb && sleep 5 && airflow create_user --role 
Admin --username airflow --password airflow -e -f airflow 
-l airflow'

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