Repository: ambari
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk 9ce44c953 -> 8f287ce38

AMBARI-7219. Slider View: FE - view appears squished inhibiting operation 


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 8f287ce38d9a692b25119efebb5a95a0c76595f2
Parents: 9ce44c9
Author: Alex Antonenko <>
Authored: Tue Sep 9 16:20:01 2014 +0300
Committer: Alex Antonenko <>
Committed: Tue Sep 9 16:25:40 2014 +0300

 ambari-web/app/assets/licenses/NOTICE.txt       |   4 +-
 ambari-web/app/styles/application.less          |   1 +
 ambari-web/app/views/main/views/details.js      |  28 ---
 .../jquery.iframe-auto-height.plugin.1.9.5.js   | 224 -------------------
 4 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 255 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/assets/licenses/NOTICE.txt 
index 82231f0..d535f1f 100644
--- a/ambari-web/app/assets/licenses/NOTICE.txt
+++ b/ambari-web/app/assets/licenses/NOTICE.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ This product includes Ember.js ( -
 Copyright (c) 2011, Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Charles Jolley and Ember.js 
 This product was generated using Brunch 
-Copyright (c) 2011, Allan Berger, Jan Monschke, Martin Schürrer, Thomas 
Schranz, Nik Graf, Paul Miller
+Copyright (c) 2011, Allan Berger, Jan Monschke, Martin Sch\u00FCrrer, Thomas 
Schranz, Nik Graf, Paul Miller
 This product includes Twitter Bootstrap 2 
( - Apache License v2.0.)
@@ -43,5 +43,3 @@ This product includes Spin.js 
( - MIT license)
 Copyright (c) 2011 Felix Gnass [fgnass at neteye dot de]
 This product includes Moment.js ( - MIT 
-This product includes iframeAutoHeight.js 
( - MIT license)
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/styles/application.less 
index 1a63440..eb33e6d 100644
--- a/ambari-web/app/styles/application.less
+++ b/ambari-web/app/styles/application.less
@@ -6859,6 +6859,7 @@ i.icon-asterisks {
 .views_sizes {
+  min-height:600px;
   border: 0;
diff --git a/ambari-web/app/views/main/views/details.js 
index 93c80f9..98184ef 100644
--- a/ambari-web/app/views/main/views/details.js
+++ b/ambari-web/app/views/main/views/details.js
@@ -27,34 +27,6 @@ App.MainViewsDetailsView = Em.View.extend({
   attributeBindings: ['src','seamless'],
   seamless: "seamless",
-  interval: null,
-  /**
-   * Drop autoHeight timer
-   */
-  willDestroyElement: function() {
-    var interval = this.get('interval');
-    if (interval) {
-      clearInterval(interval);
-    }
-  },
-  /**
-   * For view's iframe do autoHeight with timer
-   * Timer is dropped when user navigates away
-   */
-  didInsertElement: function() {
-    var interval,
-      self = this,
-      timer = function (resizeFunction, iframe) {
-        interval = setInterval(function() {
-          resizeFunction(iframe);
-        }, 100);
-        self.set('interval', interval);
-    };
-    $('iframe').iframeAutoHeight({triggerFunctions: [timer]});
-  },
   src: function() {
     return window.location.origin + this.get('controller.content.href');
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c8c2d8..0000000
--- a/ambari-web/vendor/scripts/jquery.iframe-auto-height.plugin.1.9.5.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-/*jslint white: true, indent: 2, onevar: false, browser: true, undef: true, 
nomen: false, eqeqeq: true, plusplus: false, bitwise: true, regexp: true, 
strict: false, newcap: true, immed: true */
-/*global window, console, jQuery, setTimeout */
-  Plugin: iframe autoheight jQuery Plugin
-  Version: 1.9.5
-  Author and Contributors
-  ========================================
-  Jesse House (
-  aaron manela (
-  Hideki Abe (
-  Patrick Clark (
-  ChristineP2 (
-  Mmjavellana (
-  yiqing-95 (
-  jcaspian (
-  adamjgray (
-  Jens Bissinger (
-  jbreton (
-  mindmelting (
-  File: jquery.iframe-auto-height.plugin.js
-  Remarks: original code from
-  Description: when the page loads set the height of an iframe based on the 
height of its contents
-  see README:
-(function ($) {
-  $.fn.iframeAutoHeight = function (spec) {
-    var undef;
-    if ($.browser === undef) {
-      var message = [];
-      message.push("WARNING: you appear to be using a newer version of jquery 
which does not support the $.browser variable.");
-      message.push("The jQuery iframe auto height plugin relies heavly on the 
$.browser features.");
-      message.push("Install jquery-browser:";);
-      alert(message.join("\n"));
-      return $;
-    }
-    // set default option values
-    var options = $.extend({
-        heightOffset: 0,
-        minHeight: 0,
-        maxHeight: 0,
-        callback: function (newHeight) {},
-        animate: false,
-        debug: false,
-        diagnostics: false, // used for development only
-        resetToMinHeight: false,
-        triggerFunctions: [],
-        heightCalculationOverrides: []
-      }, spec);
-    // logging
-    function debug(message) {
-      if (options.debug && options.debug === true && window.console) {
-        console.log(message);
-      }
-    }
-    // not used by production code
-    function showDiagnostics(iframe, calledFrom) {
-      debug("Diagnostics from '" + calledFrom + "'");
-      try {
-        debug("  " + $(iframe,'body')[0].scrollHeight + " for 
-        debug("  " + $(iframe.contentWindow.document).height() + " for 
-        debug("  " + $(iframe.contentWindow.document.body).height() + " for 
-      } catch (ex) {
-        // ie fails when called during for each, ok later on
-        // probably not an issue if called in a document ready block
-        debug("  unable to check in this state");
-      }
-      debug("End diagnostics -> results vary by browser and when diagnostics 
are requested");
-    }
-    // show all option values
-    debug(options);
-    // ******************************************************
-    // iterate over the matched elements passed to the plugin ; return will 
make it chainable
-    return this.each(function () {
-      // ******************************************************
-      //
-      var strategyKeys = ['webkit', 'mozilla', 'msie', 'opera'];
-      var strategies = {};
-      strategies['default'] = function (iframe, $iframeBody, options, browser) 
-        // NOTE: this is how the plugin determines the iframe height, override 
if you need custom
-        return $iframeBody[0].scrollHeight + options.heightOffset;
-      };
-      jQuery.each(strategyKeys, function (index, value) {
-        // use the default strategy for all browsers, can be overridden if 
-        strategies[value] = strategies['default'];
-      });
-      // override strategies if registered in options
-      jQuery.each(options.heightCalculationOverrides, function (index, value) {
-        strategies[value.browser] = value.calculation;
-      });
-      function findStrategy(browser) {
-        var strategy = null;
-        jQuery.each(strategyKeys, function (index, value) {
-          if (browser[value]) {
-            strategy = strategies[value];
-            return false;
-          }
-        });
-        if (strategy === null) {
-          strategy = strategies['default'];
-        }
-        return strategy;
-      }
-      // ******************************************************
-      // for use by webkit only
-      var loadCounter = 0;
-      var iframeDoc = this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document;
-      // resizeHeight
-      function resizeHeight(iframe) {
-        if (options.diagnostics) {
-          showDiagnostics(iframe, "resizeHeight");
-        }
-        // set the iframe size to minHeight so it'll get smaller on resizes in 
FF and IE
-        if (options.resetToMinHeight && options.resetToMinHeight === true) {
- = options.minHeight + 'px';
-        }
-        // get the iframe body height and set inline style to that plus a 
-        var $body = $(iframe,'body');
-        var strategy = findStrategy($.browser);
-        var newHeight = strategy(iframe, $body, options, $.browser);
-        debug(newHeight);
-        if (newHeight < options.minHeight) {
-          debug("new height is less than minHeight");
-          newHeight = options.minHeight;
-        }
-        if (options.maxHeight > 0 && newHeight > options.maxHeight) {
-          debug("new height is greater than maxHeight");
-          newHeight = options.maxHeight;
-        }
-        newHeight += options.heightOffset;
-        debug("New Height: " + newHeight);
-        if (options.animate) {
-          $(iframe).animate({height: newHeight + 'px'}, {duration: 500});
-        } else {
- = newHeight + 'px';
-        }
-        options.callback.apply($(iframe), [{newFrameHeight: newHeight}]);
-      } // END resizeHeight
-      // debug me
-      debug(this);
-      if (options.diagnostics) {
-        showDiagnostics(this, "each iframe");
-      }
-      // if trigger functions are registered, invoke them
-      if (options.triggerFunctions.length > 0) {
-        debug(options.triggerFunctions.length + " trigger Functions");
-        for (var i = 0; i < options.triggerFunctions.length; i++) {
-          options.triggerFunctions[i](resizeHeight, this);
-        }
-      }
-      // Check if browser is Webkit (Safari/Chrome) or Opera
-      if ($.browser.webkit || $.browser.opera || $ {
-        debug("browser is webkit or opera");
-        // Start timer when loaded.
-        $(this).load(function () {
-          var delay = 0;
-          var iframe = this;
-          var delayedResize = function () {
-            resizeHeight(iframe);
-          };
-          if (loadCounter === 0) {
-            // delay the first one
-            delay = 500;
-          } else {
-            // Reset iframe height to 0 to force new frame size to fit window 
-            // this is only an issue when going from large to small iframe, 
not executed on page load
-   = options.minHeight + 'px';
-          }
-          debug("load delay: " + delay);
-          setTimeout(delayedResize, delay);
-          loadCounter++;
-        });
-        // Safari and Opera need a kick-start.
-        var source = $(this).attr('src');
-        $(this).attr('src', '');
-        $(this).attr('src', source);
-      } else {
-        // For other browsers.
-        if(iframeDoc.readyState  === 'complete') {
-          resizeHeight(this);
-        } else {
-          $(this).load(function () {
-            resizeHeight(this);
-          });
-        }
-      } // if browser
-    }); // $(this).each(function () {
-  }; // $.fn.iframeAutoHeight = function (options) {
-}(jQuery)); // (function ($) {

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