Repository: ambari
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/branch-2.5 707f07f63 -> a5ce8230e

AMBARI-18755. Deployment failing at creating principal [addendum] (rlevas)


Branch: refs/heads/branch-2.5
Commit: a5ce8230e59d515e6bcbe0db949ef6bfcd447c7a
Parents: 707f07f
Author: Robert Levas <>
Authored: Wed Nov 30 19:57:28 2016 -0500
Committer: Robert Levas <>
Committed: Wed Nov 30 19:57:28 2016 -0500

 ambari-server/docs/configuration/       | 25 +++++++++++++-------
 .../server/configuration/     |  7 ++++++
 .../kerberos/   | 22 ++++++++++++-----
 .../ambari/server/utils/   | 11 ++++++++-
 .../        | 23 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../server/utils/      | 13 ++++++----
 6 files changed, 81 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-server/docs/configuration/ 
index 77d3a4d..34dafc2 100644
--- a/ambari-server/docs/configuration/
+++ b/ambari-server/docs/configuration/
@@ -49,15 +49,17 @@ The following are the properties which can be used to 
configure Ambari.
 | agent.stack.retry.tries | The number of times an Ambari Agent should retry 
package installation when it fails due to a repository error. <br/><br/> This 
property is related to `agent.stack.retry.on_repo_unavailability`. |`5` | 
 | agent.task.timeout | The time, in seconds, before agent commands are killed. 
This does not include package installation commands. |`900` | 
 | agent.threadpool.size.max | The size of the Jetty connection pool used for 
handling incoming Ambari Agent requests. |`25` | 
+| alerts.ambari.snmp.dispatcher.udp.port | The UDP port to use when binding 
the Ambari SNMP dispatcher on Ambari Server startup. If no port is specified, 
then a random port will be used. | | 
 | alerts.cache.enabled | Determines whether current alerts should be cached. 
Enabling this can increase performance on large cluster, but can also result in 
lost alert data if the cache is not flushed frequently. |`false` | 
 | alerts.cache.flush.interval | The time, in minutes, after which cached alert 
information is flushed to the database<br/><br/> This property is related to 
`alerts.cache.enabled`. |`10` | 
 | alerts.cache.size | The size of the alert cache.<br/><br/> This property is 
related to `alerts.cache.enabled`. |`50000` | 
 | alerts.execution.scheduler.maxThreads | The number of threads used to handle 
alerts received from the Ambari Agents. The value should be increased as the 
size of the cluster increases. |`2` | 
 | alerts.snmp.dispatcher.udp.port | The UDP port to use when binding the SNMP 
dispatcher on Ambari Server startup. If no port is specified, then a random 
port will be used. | | 
-| alerts.ambari.snmp.dispatcher.udp.port | The UDP port to use when binding 
the SNMP dispatcher on Ambari Server startup. If no port is specified, then a 
random port will be used. | |
-| alerts.template.file | The full path to the XML file that describes the 
different alert templates. | |
+| alerts.template.file | The full path to the XML file that describes the 
different alert templates. | | 
 | ambari.display.url | The URL to use when creating messages which should 
include the Ambari Server URL.<br/><br/>The following are examples of valid 
values:<ul><li>``</ul> | | 
 | ambari.ldap.isConfigured | An internal property used for unit testing and 
development purposes. |`false` | 
+| | The location of the post user creation hook 
on the ambari server hosting machine. 
|`/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/` | 
+| | Indicates whether the post user 
creation is enabled or not. By default is false. |`false` | 
 | ambari.python.wrap | The name of the shell script used to wrap all 
invocations of Python by Ambari.  |`ambari-python-wrap` | 
 | | The name of the user given to requests which are 
executed without any credentials. |`_anonymous` | 
 | api.authenticated.user | The username of the default user assumed to be 
executing API calls. When set, authentication is not required in order to login 
to Ambari or use the REST APIs.   | | 
@@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ The following are the properties which can be used to 
configure Ambari.
 | authentication.ldap.usernameAttribute | The attribute used for determining 
the user name, such as `uid`. |`uid` | 
 | authorization.ldap.adminGroupMappingRules | A comma-separate list of groups 
which would give a user administrative access to Ambari when syncing from LDAP. 
This is only used when `authorization.ldap.groupSearchFilter` is 
blank.<br/><br/>The following are examples of valid 
values:<ul><li>`administrators`<li>`Hadoop Admins,Hadoop Admins.*,DC 
Admins,.*Hadoop Operators`</ul> |`Ambari Administrators` | 
 | authorization.ldap.groupSearchFilter | The DN to use when searching for LDAP 
groups. | | 
+| | The auto group creation by Ambari |`false` | 
 | bootstrap.dir | The directory on the Ambari Server file system used for 
storing Ambari Agent bootstrap information such as request responses. 
|`/var/run/ambari-server/bootstrap` | 
 | bootstrap.master_host_name | The host name of the Ambari Server which will 
be used by the Ambari Agents for communication. | | 
 | bootstrap.script | The location and name of the Python script used to 
bootstrap new Ambari Agent hosts. 
|`/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari_server/` | 
@@ -138,6 +141,7 @@ The following are the properties which can be used to 
configure Ambari.
 | kerberos.check.jaas.configuration | Determines whether Kerberos-enabled 
Ambari deployments should use JAAS to validate login credentials. |`false` | 
 | kerberos.keytab.cache.dir | The location on the Ambari Server where Kerberos 
keytabs are cached. |`/var/lib/ambari-server/data/cache` | 
 | kerberos.operation.retries | The number of times failed kerberos operations 
should be retried to execute. |`3` | 
+| kerberos.operation.retry.timeout | The time to wait (in seconds) between 
failed kerberos operations retries. |`10` | 
 | ldap.sync.username.collision.behavior | Determines how to handle username 
collision while updating from LDAP.<br/><br/>The following are examples of 
valid values:<ul><li>`skip`<li>`convert`</ul> |`convert` | 
 | log4j.monitor.delay | Indicates the delay, in milliseconds, for the log4j 
monitor to check for changes |`300000` | 
 | metadata.path | The location on the Ambari Server where the stack resources 
exist.<br/><br/>The following are examples of valid 
values:<ul><li>`/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks`</ul> | | 
@@ -146,8 +150,10 @@ The following are the properties which can be used to 
configure Ambari.
 | metrics.retrieval-service.request.ttl.enabled | Enables throttling requests 
to the same endpoint within a fixed amount of time. This property will prevent 
Ambari from making new metric requests to update the cache for URLs which have 
been recently retrieved.<br/><br/> This property is related to 
`metrics.retrieval-service.request.ttl`. |`true` | 
 | mpacks.staging.path | The Ambari Management Pack staging directory on the 
Ambari Server.<br/><br/>The following are examples of valid 
values:<ul><li>`/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/mpacks`</ul> | | 
 | packages.pre.installed | Determines whether Ambari Agent instances have 
already have the necessary stack software installed |`false` | 
+| pam.configuration | The PAM configuration file. | | 
 | proxy.allowed.hostports | A comma-separated whitelist of host and port 
values which Ambari Server can use to determine if a proxy value is valid. 
|`*:*` | 
 | recommendations.artifacts.lifetime | The amount of time that Recommendation 
API data is kept on the Ambari Server file system. This is specified using a 
`hdwmy` syntax for pairing the value with a time unit (hours, days, weeks, 
months, years)<br/><br/>The following are examples of valid 
values:<ul><li>`8h`<li>`2w`<li>`1m`</ul> |`1w` | 
+| recommendations.artifacts.rollover.max | Maximum number of recommendations 
artifacts at a given time<br/><br/>The following are examples of valid 
values:<ul><li>`50`<li>`10`<li>`100`</ul> |`100` | 
 | recommendations.dir | The directory on the Ambari Server file system used 
for storing Recommendation API artifacts. 
|`/var/run/ambari-server/stack-recommendations` | 
 | recovery.disabled_components | A comma-separated list of component names 
which are not included in automatic recovery attempts.<br/><br/>The following 
are examples of valid values:<ul><li>`NAMENODE,ZOOKEEPER_SERVER`</ul> | | 
 | recovery.enabled_components | A comma-separated list of component names 
which are included in automatic recovery attempts.<br/><br/>The following are 
examples of valid values:<ul><li>`NAMENODE,ZOOKEEPER_SERVER`</ul> | | 
@@ -222,16 +228,16 @@ The following are the properties which can be used to 
configure Ambari.
 | server.jdbc.user.passwd | The password for the user when logging into the 
database. |`bigdata` | 
 | server.locks.profiling | Enable the profiling of internal locks. |`false` | 
 | server.metrics.retrieval-service.thread.priority | The priority of threads 
used by the service which retrieves JMX and REST metrics directly from their 
respective endpoints. |`5` | 
-| server.metrics.retrieval-service.threadpool.size.core | The core number of 
threads used to retrieve JMX and REST metrics directly from their respective 
endpoints. |`16` | 
-| server.metrics.retrieval-service.threadpool.size.max | The maximum number of 
threads used to retrieve JMX and REST metrics directly from their respective 
endpoints. |`32` | 
-| server.metrics.retrieval-service.threadpool.worker.size | The number of 
queued requests allowed for JMX and REST metrics before discarding old requests 
which have not been fullfilled. |`320` | 
+| server.metrics.retrieval-service.threadpool.size.core | The core number of 
threads used to retrieve JMX and REST metrics directly from their respective 
endpoints. |`8` | 
+| server.metrics.retrieval-service.threadpool.size.max | The maximum number of 
threads used to retrieve JMX and REST metrics directly from their respective 
endpoints. |`16` | 
+| server.metrics.retrieval-service.threadpool.worker.size | The number of 
queued requests allowed for JMX and REST metrics before discarding old requests 
which have not been fullfilled. |`160` | 
 | server.operations.retry-attempts | The number of retry attempts for failed 
API and blueprint operations. |`0` | 
 | server.os_family | The operating system family for all hosts in the cluster. 
This is used when bootstrapping agents and when enabling Kerberos.<br/><br/>The 
following are examples of valid values:<ul><li>`redhat`<li>`ubuntu`</ul> | | 
 | server.os_type | The operating system version for all hosts in the cluster. 
This is used when bootstrapping agents and when enabling Kerberos.<br/><br/>The 
following are examples of valid values:<ul><li>`6`<li>`7`</ul> | | 
 | server.persistence.type | The type of database connection being used. Unless 
using an embedded PostgresSQL server, then this should be 
`remote`.<br/><br/>The following are examples of valid 
values:<ul><li>`local`<li>`remote`</ul> |`local` | 
 | | The maximum time, 
in milliseconds, that federated requests for data can execute before being 
terminated. Increasing this value could result in degraded performanc from the 
REST APIs. |`5000` | 
-| | The core number of threads 
that will be used to retrieve data from federated datasources, such as remote 
JMX endpoints. |`16` | 
-| | The maximum number of threads 
that will be used to retrieve data from federated datasources, such as remote 
JMX endpoints. |`32` | 
+| | The core number of threads 
that will be used to retrieve data from federated datasources, such as remote 
JMX endpoints. |`8` | 
+| | The maximum number of threads 
that will be used to retrieve data from federated datasources, such as remote 
JMX endpoints. |`16` | 
 | | The maximum size of 
pending federated datasource requests, such as those to JMX endpoints, which 
can be queued before rejecting new requests. |`2147483647` | 
 | server.script.timeout | The time, in milliseconds, until an external script 
is killed. |`5000` | 
 | server.stage.command.execution_type | How to execute commands in one stage 
|`STAGE` | 
@@ -262,6 +268,9 @@ The following are the properties which can be used to 
configure Ambari.
 | stack.upgrade.bypass.prechecks | Determines whether pre-upgrade checks will 
be skipped when performing a rolling or express stack upgrade. |`false` | 
 | stackadvisor.script | The location and name of the Python stack advisor 
script executed when configuring services. 
|`/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/` | 
 | task.query.parameterlist.size | The maximum number of tasks which can be 
queried by ID from the database. |`999` | 
+| topology.task.creation.parallel | Indicates whether parallel topology task 
creation is enabled |`false` | 
+| topology.task.creation.parallel.threads | The number of threads to use for 
parallel topology task creation if enabled |`10` | 
+| view.extract-after-cluster-config | Drives view extraction in case of 
blueprint deployments; non-system views are deployed when cluster configuration 
is successful |`false` | 
 | view.extraction.threadpool.size.core | The number of threads used to extract 
Ambari Views when Ambari Server is starting up. |`10` | 
 | view.extraction.threadpool.size.max | The maximum number of threads used to 
extract Ambari Views when Ambari Server is starting up. |`20` | 
 | view.extraction.threadpool.timeout | The time, in milliseconds, that 
non-core threads will live when extraction views on Ambari Server startup. 
|`100000` | 
@@ -316,4 +325,4 @@ EclipseLink properties can also be configured using a 
prefix of `server.persiste
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git 
index ef35ce8..8f10023 100644
@@ -1407,6 +1407,9 @@ public class Configuration {
   public static final ConfigurationProperty<Integer> 
KERBEROS_OPERATION_RETRIES = new ConfigurationProperty<>(
       "kerberos.operation.retries", 3);
+  @Markdown(description = "The time to wait (in seconds) between failed 
kerberos operations retries.")
+  public static final ConfigurationProperty<Integer> 
KERBEROS_OPERATION_RETRY_TIMEOUT = new ConfigurationProperty<>(
+      "kerberos.operation.retry.timeout", 10);
    * The type of connection pool to use with JDBC connections to the database.
@@ -5611,6 +5614,10 @@ public class Configuration {
     return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(KERBEROS_OPERATION_RETRIES));
+  public int getKerberosOperationRetryTimeout() {
+    return Integer.valueOf(getProperty(KERBEROS_OPERATION_RETRY_TIMEOUT));
+  }
    * Return configured acceptors for agent api connector. Default = null
diff --git 
index 2f756fb..4b20973 100644
@@ -473,9 +473,11 @@ public class MITKerberosOperationHandler extends 
KerberosOperationHandler {
-      try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
+      try { Thread.sleep(1000 * 
configuration.getKerberosOperationRetryTimeout()); } catch 
(InterruptedException e) {}
-      String message = String.format("Retrying to execute kadmin after a wait 
of 3 seconds :\n\tCommand: %s", command);
+      String message = String.format("Retrying to execute kadmin after a wait 
of %d seconds :\n\tCommand: %s",
+          configuration.getKerberosOperationRetryTimeout(),
+          command);
@@ -521,8 +523,8 @@ public class MITKerberosOperationHandler extends 
KerberosOperationHandler {
      * The queue of responses to return
-    private final Queue<String> responses = new LinkedList<String>();
+    private LinkedList<String> responses;
+    private Queue<String> currentResponses;
      * Constructor.
@@ -531,6 +533,7 @@ public class MITKerberosOperationHandler extends 
KerberosOperationHandler {
      * @param userPassword  the user's password (optional)
     public InteractivePasswordHandler(String adminPassword, String 
userPassword) {
+      responses = new LinkedList<String>();
       if (adminPassword != null) {
@@ -540,16 +543,23 @@ public class MITKerberosOperationHandler extends 
KerberosOperationHandler {
         responses.offer(userPassword);  // Add a 2nd time for the password 
"confirmation" request
+      currentResponses = new LinkedList<String>(responses);
     public boolean done() {
-      return responses.size() == 0;
+      return currentResponses.size() == 0;
     public String getResponse(String query) {
-      return responses.poll();
+      return currentResponses.poll();
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void start() {
+      currentResponses = new LinkedList<String>(responses);
diff --git 
index 99f47c5..3152a0c 100644
@@ -434,6 +434,8 @@ public class ShellCommandUtil {
       BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new 
       BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new 
+      interactiveHandler.start();
       while (!interactiveHandler.done()) {
         StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
@@ -546,11 +548,18 @@ public class ShellCommandUtil {
     boolean done();
-     * Gnven a query, returns the relative response to send to the shell 
command (via stdin)
+     * Given a query, returns the relative response to send to the shell 
command (via stdin)
      * @param query a string containing the query that needs a response
      * @return a string or null if no response is needed
     String getResponse(String query);
+    /**
+     * Starts or resets this handler.
+     * <p>
+     * It is expected that the caller calls this before using handler.
+     */
+    void start();
diff --git 
index 4c40a5d..39f4201 100644
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ public class MITKerberosOperationHandlerTest extends 
       protected void configure() {
         Configuration configuration = 
@@ -547,6 +548,28 @@ public class MITKerberosOperationHandlerTest extends 
+  @Test
+  public void testInteractivePasswordHandler() {
+    MITKerberosOperationHandler.InteractivePasswordHandler handler = new 
+    handler.start();
+    Assert.assertEquals("admin_password", handler.getResponse("password"));
+    Assert.assertFalse(handler.done());
+    Assert.assertEquals("user_password", handler.getResponse("password"));
+    Assert.assertFalse(handler.done());
+    Assert.assertEquals("user_password", handler.getResponse("password"));
+    Assert.assertTrue(handler.done());
+    // Test restarting
+    handler.start();
+    Assert.assertEquals("admin_password", handler.getResponse("password"));
+    Assert.assertFalse(handler.done());
+    Assert.assertEquals("user_password", handler.getResponse("password"));
+    Assert.assertFalse(handler.done());
+    Assert.assertEquals("user_password", handler.getResponse("password"));
+    Assert.assertTrue(handler.done());
+  }
   private MITKerberosOperationHandler createMock(){
     return createMock(false);
diff --git 
index 34ac91f..24af9bd 100644
@@ -126,17 +126,20 @@ public class TestShellCommandUtil {
       public String getResponse(String query) {
-        if(query.contains("Arg1")) {
+        if (query.contains("Arg1")) {
           return "a1";
-        }
-        else if(query.contains("Arg2")) {
+        } else if (query.contains("Arg2")) {
           done = true; // this is the last expected prompt
           return "a2";
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
           return null;
+      @Override
+      public void start() {
+      }
     ShellCommandUtil.Result result = ShellCommandUtil.runCommand(new 
String[]{"./src/test/resources/"}, null, 
interactiveHandler, false);

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