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commit 155c6979f5ab2609ab74f9bc1ac61a8c60ddd9e7
Author: Kenneth Knowles <>
AuthorDate: Tue Aug 15 20:42:15 2017 -0700

    Add blog post with timely processing
 src/_posts/         | 517 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../blog/timely-processing/BatchedRpcExpiry.png    | Bin 0 -> 43015 bytes
 .../blog/timely-processing/BatchedRpcStale.png     | Bin 0 -> 51523 bytes
 .../blog/timely-processing/BatchedRpcState.png     | Bin 0 -> 32633 bytes
 .../blog/timely-processing/CombinePerKey.png       | Bin 0 -> 31517 bytes
 src/images/blog/timely-processing/ParDo.png        | Bin 0 -> 28247 bytes
 .../blog/timely-processing/StateAndTimers.png      | Bin 0 -> 21355 bytes
 src/images/blog/timely-processing/UnifiedModel.png | Bin 0 -> 39982 bytes
 .../blog/timely-processing/WindowingChoices.png    | Bin 0 -> 20877 bytes
 9 files changed, 517 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/_posts/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d02693a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/_posts/
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+layout: post
+title:  "Timely (and Stateful) Processing with Apache Beam"
+date:   2017-08-28 00:00:01 -0800
+excerpt_separator: <!--more-->
+categories: blog
+  - klk
+In a [prior blog
+post]({{ site.baseurl }}/blog/2017/02/13/stateful-processing.html), I
+introduced the basics of stateful processing in Apache Beam, focusing on the
+addition of state to per-element processing. So-called _timely_ processing
+complements stateful processing in Beam by letting you set timers to request a
+(stateful) callback at some point in the future.
+What can you do with timers in Beam? Here are some examples:
+ - You can output data buffered in state after some amount of processing time.
+ - You can take special action when the watermark estimates that you have
+   received all data up to a specified point in event time.
+ - You can author workflows with timeouts that alter state and emit output in
+   response to the absence of additional input for some period of time.
+These are just a few possibilities. State and timers together form a powerful
+programming paradigm for fine-grained control to express a huge variety of
+workflows.  Stateful and timely processing in Beam is portable across data
+processing engines and integrated with Beam's unified model of event time
+windowing in both streaming and batch processing.
+## What is stateful and timely processing?
+In my prior post, I developed an understanding of stateful processing largely
+by contrast with associative, commutative combiners. In this post, I'll
+emphasize a perspective that I had mentioned only briefly: that elementwise
+processing with access to per-key-and-window state and timers represents a
+fundamental pattern for "embarrassingly parallel" computation, distinct from
+the others in Beam.
+In fact, stateful and timely computation is the low-level computational pattern
+that underlies the others. Precisely because it is lower level, it allows you
+to really micromanage your computations to unlock new use cases and new
+efficiencies. This incurs the complexity of manually managing your state and
+timers - it isn't magic! Let's first look again at the two primary
+computational patterns in Beam.
+### Element-wise processing (ParDo, Map, etc)
+The most elementary embarrassingly parallel pattern is just using a bunch of
+computers to apply the same function to every input element of a massive
+collection. In Beam, per-element processing like this is expressed as a basic
+`ParDo` - analogous to "Map" from MapReduce - which is like an enhanced "map",
+"flatMap", etc, from functional programming.
+The following diagram illustrates per-element processing. Input elements are
+squares, output elements are triangles. The colors of the elements represent
+their key, which will matter later. Each input element maps to the
+corresponding output element(s) completely independently. Processing may be
+distributed across computers in any way, yielding essentially limitless
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/timely-processing/ParDo.png"
+    alt="ParDo offers limitless parallelism"
+    width="600">
+This pattern is obvious, exists in all data-parallel paradigms, and has
+a simple stateless implementation. Every input element can be processed
+independently or in arbitrary bundles. Balancing the work between computers is
+actually the hard part, and can be addressed by splitting, progress estimation,
+work-stealing, etc.
+### Per-key (and window) aggregation (Combine, Reduce, GroupByKey, etc.)
+The other embarassingly parallel design pattern at the heart of Beam is per-key
+(and window) aggregation. Elements sharing a key are colocated and then
+combined using some associative and commutative operator. In Beam this is
+expressed as a `GroupByKey` or `Combine.perKey`, and corresponds to the shuffle
+and "Reduce" from MapReduce.  It is sometimes helpful to think of per-key
+`Combine` as the fundamental operation, and raw `GroupByKey` as a combiner that
+just concatenates input elements. The communication pattern for the input
+elements is the same, modulo some optimizations possible for `Combine`.
+In the illustration here, recall that the color of each element represents the
+key. So all of the red squares are routed to the same location where they are
+aggregated and the red triangle is the output.  Likewise for the yellow and
+green squares, etc. In a real application, you may have millions of keys, so
+the parallelism is still massive.
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/timely-processing/CombinePerKey.png"
+    alt="Gathering elements per key then combining them"
+    width="600">
+The underlying data processing engine will, at some level of abstraction, use
+state to perform this aggregation across all the elements arriving for a key.
+In particular, in a streaming execution, the aggregation process may need to
+wait for more data to arrive or for the watermark to estimate that all input
+for an event time window is complete. This requires some way to store the
+intermediate aggregation between input elements as well a way to a receive a
+callback when it is time to emit the result. As a result, the _execution_ of
+per key aggregation by a stream processing engine fundamentally involves state
+and timers.
+However, _your_ code is just a declarative expression of the aggregation
+operator.  The runner can choose a variety of ways to execute your operator. 
+I went over this in detail in [my prior post focused on state alone]({{
+site.baseurl }}/blog/2017/02/13/stateful-processing.html). Since you do not
+observe elements in any defined order, nor manipulate mutable state or timers
+directly, I call this neither stateful nor timely processing.
+### Per-key-and-window stateful, timely processing
+Both `ParDo` and `Combine.perKey` are standard patterns for parallelism that go
+back decades. When implementing these in a massive-scale distributed data
+processing engine, we can highlight a few characteristics that are particularly
+Let us consider these characteristics of `ParDo`:
+ - You write single-threaded code to process one element.
+ - Elements are processed in arbitrary order with no dependencies
+   or interaction between processing of elements.
+And these characteristics for `Combine.perKey`:
+ - Elements for a common key and window are gathered together.
+ - A user-defined operator is applied to those elements.
+Combining some of the characteristics of unrestricted parallel mapping and
+per-key-and-window combination, we can discern a megaprimitive from which we
+build stateful and timely processing:
+ - Elements for a common key and window are gathered together.
+ - Elements are processed in arbitrary order.
+ - You write single-threaded code to process one element or timer, possibly
+   accessing state or setting timers.
+In the illustration below, the red squares are gathered and fed one by one to
+the stateful, timely, `DoFn`. As each element is processed, the `DoFn` has
+access to state (the color-partitioned cylinder on the right) and can set
+timers to receive callbacks (the colorful clocks on the left).
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/timely-processing/StateAndTimers.png"
+    alt="Gathering elements per key then timely, stateful processing"
+    width="600">
+So that is the abstract notion of per-key-and-window stateful, timely
+processing in Apache Beam. Now let's see what it looks like to write code that
+accesses state, sets timers, and receives callbacks.
+## Example: Batched RPC
+To demonstrate stateful and timely processing, let's work through a concrete
+example, with code.
+Suppose you are writing a system to analyze events.  You have a ton of data
+coming in and you need to enrich each event by RPC to an external system. You
+can't just issue an RPC per event.  Not only would this be terrible for
+performance, but it would also likely blow your quota with the external system.
+So you'd like to gather a number of events, make one RPC for them all, and then
+output all the enriched events.
+### State
+Let's set up the state we need to track batches of elements. As each element
+comes in, we will write the element to a buffer while tracking the number of
+elements we have buffered. Here are the state cells in code:
+new DoFn<Event, EnrichedEvent>() {
+  @StateId("buffer")
+  private final StateSpec<BagState<Event>> bufferedEvents = StateSpecs.bag();
+  @StateId("count")
+  private final StateSpec<ValueState<Integer>> countState = StateSpecs.value();
+  … TBD … 
+# State and timers are not yet supported in Beam's Python SDK.
+# Follow for updates.
+Walking through the code, we have:
+ - The state cell `"buffer"` is an unordered bag of buffered events.
+ - The state cell `"count"` tracks how many events have been buffered.
+Next, as a recap of reading and writing state, let's write our 
+method. We will choose a limit on the size of the buffer, `MAX_BUFFER_SIZE`. If
+our buffer reaches this size, we will perform a single RPC to enrich all the
+events, and output.
+new DoFn<Event, EnrichedEvent>() {
+  private static final int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 500;
+  @StateId("buffer")
+  private final StateSpec<BagState<Event>> bufferedEvents = StateSpecs.bag();
+  @StateId("count")
+  private final StateSpec<ValueState<Integer>> countState = StateSpecs.value();
+  @ProcessElement
+  public void process(
+      ProcessContext context,
+      @StateId("buffer") BagState<Event> bufferState,
+      @StateId("count") ValueState<Integer> countState) {
+    int count = firstNonNull(, 0);
+    count = count + 1;
+    countState.write(count);
+    bufferState.add(context.element());
+    if (count > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE) {
+      for (EnrichedEvent enrichedEvent : enrichEvents( {
+        context.output(enrichedEvent);
+      }
+      bufferState.clear();
+      countState.clear();
+    }
+  }
+  … TBD … 
+# State and timers are not yet supported in Beam's Python SDK.
+# Follow for updates.
+Here is an illustration to accompany the code:
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/timely-processing/BatchedRpcState.png"
+    alt="Batching elements in state, then performing RPCs"
+    width="600">
+ - The blue box is the `DoFn`.
+ - The yellow box within it is the `@ProcessElement` method.
+ - Each input event is a red square - this diagram just shows the activity for
+   a single key, represented by the color red. Your `DoFn` will run the same
+   workflow in parallel for all keys which are perhaps user IDs.
+ - Each input event is written to the buffer as a red triangle, representing
+   the fact that you might actually buffer more than just the raw input, even
+   though this code doesn't.
+ - The external service is drawn as a cloud. When there are enough buffered
+   events, the `@ProcessElement` method reads the events from state and issues
+   a single RPC.
+ - Each output enriched event is drawn as a red circle. To consumers of this
+   output, it looks just like an element-wise operation.
+So far, we have only used state, but not timers. You may have noticed that
+there is a problem - there will usually be data left in the buffer. If no more
+input arrives, that data will never be processed. In Beam, every window has
+some point in event time when any further input for the window is considered
+too late and is discarded. At this point, we say that the window has "expired".
+Since no further input can arrive to access the state for that window, the
+state is also discarded. For our example, we need to ensure that all leftover
+events are output when the window expires. 
+### Event Time Timers
+An event time timer requests a call back when the watermark for an input
+`PCollection` reaches some threshold. In other words, you can use an event time
+timer to take action at a specific moment in event time - a particular point of
+completeness for a `PCollection` - such as when a window expires.
+For our example, let us add an event time timer so that when the window 
+any events remaining in the buffer are processed.
+new DoFn<Event, EnrichedEvent>() {
+  …
+  @TimerId("expiry")
+  private final TimerSpec expirySpec = TimerSpecs.timer(TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
+  @ProcessElement
+  public void process(
+      ProcessContext context,
+      BoundedWindow window,
+      @StateId("buffer") BagState<Event> bufferState,
+      @StateId("count") ValueState<Integer> countState,
+      @TimerId("expiry") Timer expiryTimer) {
+    expiryTimer.set(window.maxTimestamp().plus(allowedLateness));
+    … same logic as above …
+  }
+  @OnTimer("expiry")
+  public void onExpiry(
+      OnTimerContext context,
+      @StateId("buffer") BagState<Event> bufferState) {
+    if (!bufferState.isEmpty().read()) {
+      for (EnrichedEvent enrichedEvent : enrichEvents( {
+        context.output(enrichedEvent);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+# State and timers are not yet supported in Beam's Python SDK.
+# Follow for updates.
+Let's unpack the pieces of this snippet:
+ - We declare an event time timer with `@TimerId("expiry")`. We will use the
+   identifier `"expiry"` to identify the timer for setting the callback time as
+   well as receiving the callback.
+ - The variable `expiryTimer`, annotated with `@TimerId`, is set to the value
+   `TimerSpecs.timer(TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME)`, indicating that we want a
+   callback according to the event time watermark of the input elements.
+ - In the `@ProcessElement` element we annotate a parameter `@TimerId("expiry")
+   Timer`. The Beam runner automatically provides this `Timer` parameter by 
+   we can set (and reset) the timer. It is inexpensive to reset a timer
+   repeatedly, so we simply set it on every element.
+ - We define the `onExpiry` method, annotated with `@OnTimer("expiry")`, that
+   performs a final event enrichment RPC and outputs the result. The Beam 
+   delivers the callback to this method by matching its identifier.
+Illustrating this logic, we have the diagram below:
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/timely-processing/BatchedRpcExpiry.png"
+    alt="Batched RPCs with window expiration"
+    width="600">
+Both the `@ProcessElement` and `@OnTimer("expiry")` methods perform the same
+access to buffered state, perform the same batched RPC, and output enriched
+Now, if we are executing this in a streaming real-time manner, we might still
+have unbounded latency for particular buffered data. If the watermark is 
+very slowly, or event time windows are chosen to be quite large, then a lot of
+time might pass before output is emitted based either on enough elements or
+window expiration. We can also use timers to limit the amount of wall-clock
+time, aka processing time, before we process buffered elements. We can choose
+some reasonable amount of time so that even though we are issuing RPCs that are
+not as large as they might be, it is still few enough RPCs to avoid blowing our
+quota with the external service.
+### Processing Time Timers
+A timer in processing time (time as it passes while your pipeline is executing)
+is intuitively simple: you want to wait a certain amount of time and then
+receive a call back.
+To put the finishing touches on our example, we will set a processing time
+timer as soon as any data is buffered. We track whether or not the timer has
+been set so we don't continually reset it. When an element arrives, if the
+timer has not been set, then we set it for the current moment plus
+`MAX_BUFFER_DURATION`. After the allotted processing time has passed, a
+callback will fire and enrich and emit any buffered elements.
+new DoFn<Event, EnrichedEvent>() {
+  …
+  private static final Duration MAX_BUFFER_DURATION = 
+  @TimerId("stale")
+  private final TimerSpec staleSpec = 
+  @ProcessElement
+  public void process(
+      ProcessContext context,
+      BoundedWindow window,
+      @StateId("count") ValueState<Integer> countState,
+      @StateId("buffer") BagState<Event> bufferState,
+      @TimerId("stale") Timer staleTimer,
+      @TimerId("expiry") Timer expiryTimer) {
+    boolean staleTimerSet = firstNonNull(, false);
+    if (firstNonNull(, 0) == 0) {
+      staleTimer.offset(MAX_BUFFER_DURATION).setRelative());
+    }
+    … same processing logic as above …
+  }
+  @OnTimer("stale")
+  public void onStale(
+      OnTimerContext context,
+      @StateId("buffer") BagState<Event> bufferState,
+      @StateId("count") ValueState<Integer> countState) {
+    if (!bufferState.isEmpty().read()) {
+      for (EnrichedEvent enrichedEvent : enrichEvents( {
+        context.output(enrichedEvent);
+      }
+      bufferState.clear();
+      countState.clear();
+    }
+  }
+  … same expiry as above …
+# State and timers are not yet supported in Beam's Python SDK.
+# Follow for updates.
+Here is an illustration of the final code:
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/timely-processing/BatchedRpcStale.png"
+    alt="Batching elements in state, then performing RPCs"
+    width="600">
+Recapping the entirety of the logic:
+ - As events arrive at `@ProcessElement` they are buffered in state.
+ - If the size of the buffer exceeds a maximum, the events are enriched and 
+ - If the buffer fills too slowly and the events get stale before the maximum 
is reached,
+   a timer causes a callback which enriches the buffered events and outputs. 
+ - Finally, as any window is expiring, any events buffered in that window are
+   processed and output prior to the state for that window being discarded.
+In the end, we have a full example that uses state and timers to explicitly
+manage the low-level details of a performance-sensitive transform in Beam. As
+we added more and more features, our `DoFn` actually became pretty large. That
+is a normal characteristic of stateful, timely processing. You are really
+digging in and managing a lot of details that are handled automatically when
+you express your logic using Beam's higher-level APIs. What you gain from this
+extra effort is an ability to tackle use cases and achieve efficiencies that
+may not have been possible otherwise.
+## State and Timers in Beam's Unified Model
+Beam's unified model for event time across streaming and batch processing has
+novel implications for state and timers. Usually, you don't need to do anything
+for your stateful and timely `DoFn` to work well in the Beam model. But it will
+help to be aware of the considerations below, especially if you have used
+similar features before outside of Beam.
+### Event Time Windowing "Just Works"
+One of the raisons d'etre for Beam is correct processing of out-of-order event
+data, which is almost all event data. Beam's solution to out-of-order data is
+event time windowing, where windows in event time yield correct results no
+matter what windowing a user chooses or what order the events come in.
+If you write a stateful, timely transform, it should work no matter how the
+surrounding pipeline chooses to window event time. If the pipeline chooses
+fixed windows of one hour (sometimes called tumbling windows) or windows of 30
+minutes sliding by 10 minutes, the stateful, timely transform should
+transparently work correctly.
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/timely-processing/WindowingChoices.png"
+    alt="Two windowing strategies for the same stateful and timely transform"
+    width="600">
+This works in Beam automatically, because state and timers are partitioned per
+key and window. Within each key and window, the stateful, timely processing is
+essentially independent.  As an added benefit, the passing of event time (aka
+advancement of the watermark) allows automatic release of unreachable state
+when a window expires, so you often don't have to worry about evicting old
+### Unified real-time and historical processing
+A second tenet of Beam's semantic model is that processing must be unified
+between batch and streaming. One important use case for this unification
+is the ability to apply the same logic to a stream of events in real time and
+to archived storage of the same events.
+A common characteristic of archived data is that it may arrive radically out of
+order. The sharding of archived files often results in a totally different
+ordering for processing than events coming in near-real-time. The data will
+also all be all available and hence delivered instantaneously from the point of
+view of your pipeline. Whether running experiments on past data or reprocessing
+past results to fix a data processing bug, it is critically important that your
+processing logic be applicable to archived events just as easily as incoming
+near-real-time data.
+<img class="center-block"
+    src="{{ site.baseurl }}/images/blog/timely-processing/UnifiedModel.png"
+    alt="Unified stateful processing over streams and file archives"
+    width="600">
+It is (deliberately) possible to write a stateful and timely DoFn that delivers
+results that depend on ordering or delivery timing, so in this sense there is
+additional burden on you, the `DoFn` author, to ensure that this nondeterminism
+falls within documented allowances.
+## Go use it!
+I'll end this post in the same way I ended the last. I hope you will go try out
+Beam with stateful, timely processing. If it opens up new possibilities for
+you, then great! If not, we want to hear about it. Since this is a new feature,
+please check the [capability matrix]({{ site.baseurl
+}}/documentation/runners/capability-matrix/) to see the level of support for
+your preferred Beam backend(s).
+And please do join the Beam community at
+[]({{ site.baseurl }}/get-started/support) and follow
+[@ApacheBeam]( on Twitter.
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index 0000000..2ee60a0
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index 0000000..3c24347
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa5f5dd
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c3e6d
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d6631
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/blog/timely-processing/ParDo.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a33d66
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b/src/images/blog/timely-processing/StateAndTimers.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ca509
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff6292f
Binary files /dev/null and 
b/src/images/blog/timely-processing/WindowingChoices.png differ

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