
[...truncated 1.06 MB...]
2018-02-28T23:59:02.264 [INFO] Excluding from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.264 [INFO] Excluding from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.264 [INFO] Excluding javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1 from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.264 [INFO] Excluding aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0 from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.264 [INFO] Excluding com.sun.jersey:jersey-server:jar:1.9 
from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding asm:asm:jar:3.1 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding 
com.sun.jersey.contribs:jersey-guice:jar:1.9 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding jline:jline:jar:2.11 from the shaded 
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding org.apache.ant:ant:jar:1.9.2 from the 
shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding org.apache.ant:ant-launcher:jar:1.9.2 
from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding net.engio:mbassador:jar:1.1.9 from the 
shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:jar:1.3.2 from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding commons-codec:commons-codec:jar:1.10 
from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding 
org.apache.xbean:xbean-asm5-shaded:jar:4.3 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.265 [INFO] Excluding org.jctools:jctools-core:jar:1.1 from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.266 [INFO] Excluding 
org.apache.beam:beam-model-pipeline:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.266 [INFO] Excluding from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.266 [INFO] Excluding 
org.apache.beam:beam-sdks-java-core:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.266 [INFO] Including in the 
shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.266 [INFO] Excluding 
com.github.stephenc.findbugs:findbugs-annotations:jar:1.3.9-1 from the shaded 
2018-02-28T23:59:02.266 [INFO] Excluding 
com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:jar:2.8.9 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.266 [INFO] Excluding 
com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:jar:2.8.9 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.266 [INFO] Excluding 
com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind:jar:2.8.9 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.267 [INFO] Excluding net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy:jar:1.7.10 
from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.267 [INFO] Excluding org.apache.avro:avro:jar:1.8.2 from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.267 [INFO] Excluding 
com.thoughtworks.paranamer:paranamer:jar:2.7 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.267 [INFO] Excluding org.tukaani:xz:jar:1.5 from the shaded 
2018-02-28T23:59:02.267 [INFO] Excluding 
org.xerial.snappy:snappy-java:jar:1.1.4 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.267 [INFO] Excluding 
org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.14 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.267 [INFO] Excluding 
org.apache.beam:beam-runners-core-construction-java:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT from the 
shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.267 [INFO] Excluding 
org.apache.beam:beam-model-job-management:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT from the shaded 
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding io.grpc:grpc-core:jar:1.2.0 from the 
shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding io.grpc:grpc-context:jar:1.2.0 from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding io.grpc:grpc-stub:jar:1.2.0 from the 
shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding 
org.apache.beam:beam-runners-core-java:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding 
org.apache.beam:beam-model-fn-execution:jar:2.4.0-SNAPSHOT from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.268 [INFO] Excluding 
org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.6 from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.269 [INFO] Excluding from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.269 [INFO] Excluding org.objenesis:objenesis:jar:1.0 from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.269 [INFO] Excluding from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.269 [INFO] Excluding 
from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.269 [INFO] Excluding io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:jar:1.2.0 from 
the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:02.269 [INFO] Excluding io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite:jar:1.2.0 
from the shaded jar.
2018-02-28T23:59:05.439 [INFO] Replacing original artifact with shaded artifact.
2018-02-28T23:59:05.439 [INFO] Replacing 
2018-02-28T23:59:05.439 [INFO] Replacing original test artifact with shaded 
test artifact.
2018-02-28T23:59:05.439 [INFO] Replacing 
2018-02-28T23:59:05.647 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:05.647 [INFO] --- maven-assembly-plugin:3.1.0:single 
(source-release-assembly) @ beam-runners-apex ---
2018-02-28T23:59:05.651 [INFO] Skipping the assembly in this project because 
it's not the Execution Root
2018-02-28T23:59:05.760 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:05.760 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.0.1:jar-no-fork 
(attach-sources) @ beam-runners-apex ---
2018-02-28T23:59:05.764 [INFO] Building jar: 
2018-02-28T23:59:05.904 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:05.904 [INFO] --- maven-source-plugin:3.0.1:test-jar-no-fork 
(attach-test-sources) @ beam-runners-apex ---
2018-02-28T23:59:05.908 [INFO] Building jar: 
2018-02-28T23:59:06.042 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:06.042 [INFO] --- maven-javadoc-plugin:3.0.0-M1:jar 
(attach-javadocs) @ beam-runners-apex ---
2018-02-28T23:59:11.069 [INFO] 
2 warnings
2018-02-28T23:59:11.070 [WARNING] Javadoc Warnings
2018-02-28T23:59:11.070 [WARNING] 
 warning: no description for @param
2018-02-28T23:59:11.070 [WARNING] * @param <K>
2018-02-28T23:59:11.070 [WARNING] ^
2018-02-28T23:59:11.070 [WARNING] 
 warning: no description for @param
2018-02-28T23:59:11.070 [WARNING] * @param <K>
2018-02-28T23:59:11.070 [WARNING] ^
2018-02-28T23:59:11.080 [INFO] Building jar: 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.244 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.244 [INFO] --- 
reproducible-build-maven-plugin:0.4:strip-jar (default) @ beam-runners-apex ---
2018-02-28T23:59:13.254 [INFO] Stripping 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.258 [INFO] Stripping 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.264 [INFO] Stripping 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.272 [INFO] Stripping 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.277 [INFO] Stripping 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.281 [INFO] Stripping 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.401 [INFO] Stripping 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.514 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.514 [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.20.1:test 
(validates-runner-tests) @ beam-runners-apex ---
2018-02-28T23:59:13.520 [INFO] Tests are skipped.
2018-02-28T23:59:13.628 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.628 [INFO] --- maven-dependency-plugin:3.0.2:analyze-only 
(default) @ beam-runners-apex ---
2018-02-28T23:59:13.815 [INFO] No dependency problems found
2018-02-28T23:59:13.962 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.963 [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.5.2:install 
(default-install) @ beam-runners-apex ---
2018-02-28T23:59:13.965 [INFO] Installing 
2018-02-28T23:59:13.987 [INFO] Installing 
2018-02-28T23:59:14.022 [INFO] Installing 
2018-02-28T23:59:14.025 [INFO] Installing 
2018-02-28T23:59:14.026 [INFO] Installing 
2018-02-28T23:59:14.032 [INFO] Installing 
2018-02-28T23:59:14.034 [INFO] Installing 
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
2018-02-28T23:59:16.252 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:16.252 [INFO] 
2018-02-28T23:59:16.252 [INFO] Skipping Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: 
Aggregated Javadoc
2018-02-28T23:59:16.252 [INFO] This project has been banned from the build due 
to previous failures.
2018-02-28T23:59:16.252 [INFO] 
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
[JENKINS] Archiving disabled
2018-03-01T00:00:48.022 [INFO] 
2018-03-01T00:00:48.022 [INFO] Reactor Summary:
2018-03-01T00:00:48.022 [INFO] 
2018-03-01T00:00:48.022 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Parent 
.............................. SUCCESS [ 24.654 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Build Tools 
......... SUCCESS [ 11.485 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Model 
............................... SUCCESS [  3.002 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Model :: Pipeline 
................... SUCCESS [ 21.561 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Model :: Job Management 
............. SUCCESS [ 14.838 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Model :: Fn Execution 
............... SUCCESS [ 17.847 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs 
................................ SUCCESS [  3.074 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java 
........................ SUCCESS [  3.898 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Core 
................ SUCCESS [03:10 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Fn Execution 
........ SUCCESS [ 39.906 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Extensions :: 
Google Cloud Platform Core SUCCESS [ 43.918 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners 
............................. SUCCESS [  3.581 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Core Construction Java 
... SUCCESS [ 56.193 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Core Java 
................ SUCCESS [01:17 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Harness 
............. SUCCESS [01:09 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Amazon Web 
Services SUCCESS [ 46.061 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Local Java Core 
.......... SUCCESS [ 25.779 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Direct Java 
.............. SUCCESS [06:15 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: AMQP 
.......... SUCCESS [ 38.002 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Common 
........ SUCCESS [ 11.890 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Cassandra 
..... SUCCESS [ 30.746 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: 
Elasticsearch . SUCCESS [ 21.813 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: 
Elasticsearch-Tests SUCCESS [  4.384 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: 
Elasticsearch-Tests :: Common SUCCESS [  6.452 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: 
Elasticsearch-Tests :: 2.x SUCCESS [ 29.103 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: 
Elasticsearch-Tests :: 5.x SUCCESS [ 29.201 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Extensions :: 
Protobuf SUCCESS [ 19.762 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Google 
Cloud Platform FAILURE [ 16.117 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Google Cloud Dataflow 
2018-03-01T00:00:48.023 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: 
File-based-io-tests SKIPPED
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Hadoop 
Common . SUCCESS [ 22.193 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Hadoop File 
System SUCCESS [ 40.533 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: JDBC 
.......... SKIPPED
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Hadoop 
Input Format SKIPPED
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: HBase 
......... SUCCESS [01:42 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: HCatalog 
...... SUCCESS [01:26 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: JMS 
........... SUCCESS [ 35.487 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Kafka 
......... SUCCESS [ 53.084 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Kinesis 
....... SUCCESS [ 49.018 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: MongoDB 
....... SUCCESS [ 51.163 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: MQTT 
.......... SUCCESS [ 31.295 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Redis 
......... SUCCESS [ 23.569 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Solr 
.......... SUCCESS [ 47.608 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: Tika 
.......... SUCCESS [ 37.048 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: IO :: XML 
........... SUCCESS [ 38.807 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Maven Archetypes 
:: Starter SUCCESS [ 20.913 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Examples :: Java 
.................... SKIPPED
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Maven Archetypes 
:: Examples SKIPPED
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Extensions :: 
Jackson SUCCESS [ 22.831 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Extensions :: 
Join library SUCCESS [ 26.285 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Extensions :: 
Sketching SUCCESS [ 34.122 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Extensions :: 
Sorter  SUCCESS [ 42.587 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Extensions :: SQL 
... SUCCESS [02:13 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Nexmark 
............. SKIPPED
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Java Fn Execution 
........ SUCCESS [ 37.080 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Java Local Artifact 
Service SUCCESS [ 25.189 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Reference :: Java 
........ SUCCESS [ 17.426 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Reference :: Job 
Orchestrator SUCCESS [ 23.000 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Flink 
.................... SUCCESS [01:16 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Gearpump 
................. SUCCESS [ 41.176 s]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Spark 
.................... SUCCESS [02:30 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: Runners :: Apex 
..................... SUCCESS [01:54 min]
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] Apache Beam :: SDKs :: Java :: Aggregated 
Javadoc .. SKIPPED
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] 
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] BUILD FAILURE
2018-03-01T00:00:48.024 [INFO] 
2018-03-01T00:00:48.025 [INFO] Total time: 47:01 min
2018-03-01T00:00:48.025 [INFO] Finished at: 2018-03-01T00:00:48Z
2018-03-01T00:00:49.619 [INFO] Final Memory: 377M/1783M
2018-03-01T00:00:49.619 [INFO] 
2018-03-01T00:00:49.630 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-checkstyle-plugin:3.0.0:check (default) on 
project beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform: You have 8 Checkstyle 
violations. -> [Help 1]
2018-03-01T00:00:49.631 [ERROR] 
2018-03-01T00:00:49.631 [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, 
re-run Maven with the -e switch.
2018-03-01T00:00:49.631 [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full 
debug logging.
2018-03-01T00:00:49.631 [ERROR] 
2018-03-01T00:00:49.631 [ERROR] For more information about the errors and 
possible solutions, please read the following articles:
2018-03-01T00:00:49.631 [ERROR] [Help 1]
2018-03-01T00:00:49.631 [ERROR] 
2018-03-01T00:00:49.631 [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume 
the build with the command
2018-03-01T00:00:49.631 [ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf 
channel stopped

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