Page "BloodhoundInstall" was changed by gjm
Diff URL: 
Revision 18
Comment: revised installation instructions for python, pip and virtualenv
Index: BloodhoundInstall
--- BloodhoundInstall (version: 17)
+++ BloodhoundInstall (version: 18)
@@ -6,28 +6,25 @@
 == General Prerequisites ==
 As a base for installing Bloodhound, the rest of this document expects that 
you have the following installed on your system:
- * [ Python] >= 2.6 and < 2.7.4
- * [ setuptools]
+ * [ Python] >= 2.6 and < 3
  * [ pip]
-On Windows you will have to install python, setuptools and pip through the 
links above and set/adjust the following environmental variables (assuming 
Python 2.7.* is chosen)
- * add a {{{PYTHON_HOME}}} system variable with the value {{{C:\Python27}}}
- * append {{{;%PYTHON_HOME%;%PYTHON_HOME%\scripts}}} to the path system 
-On modern linux distributions, the appropriate packages are usually available 
in the distribution's standard repositories  - for example on Ubuntu, you 
should be able to do the following:
- {{{
-   sudo apt-get install python python-setuptools python-pip
- }}}
-At the moment it is also recommended that you install virtualenv with either
- {{{
-   sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
- }}} 
-on ubuntu or 
- {{{
-   sudo pip install virtualenv
- }}}
-as for systems with existing python installations, it allows you to install 
packages with lower impact to the system provided installation. In addition, 
virtualenv is a requirement if you wish to take advantage of the installer 
+ * [ virtualenv] - note that if you have 
this, you should already have pip installed.
+There are good guides available for installing each of the above on a number 
of operating systems including:
+ * [ 
Installing Python on Windows]
+ * [ 
Installing Python on Mac OS X]
+Modern linux distributions often already have the required packages available 
in their repositories:
+ * For Debian (>= 5.0), Ubuntu (>= 9.4), Mint (>= 7) and other Debian or 
Ubuntu based systems, if you have admin access through sudo you can run
+   {{{
+sudo apt-get install python python-virtualenv
+   }}}
+ * For Fedora (>= 11), Centos (>= 6.4), RHEL (>= 6.4) and other distributions 
that make use of {{{yum}}} you can try
+   {{{
+sudo yum install python python-virtualenv
+   }}}
+Many other linux and *BSD distributions will have their own package management 
systems and repositories containing the appropriate packages.
 == Databases ==
 Apache Bloodhound also requires a database and it supports the following 
popular databases: [ SQLite], [ 
PostgreSQL], and [ MySQL].

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