Page "BloodhoundReleaseProcess" was changed by rjollos
Diff URL: 
Revision 35
Comment: Ignore tickets with Component "siteadmin".
Index: BloodhoundReleaseProcess
--- BloodhoundReleaseProcess (version: 34)
+++ BloodhoundReleaseProcess (version: 35)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 svn co bh_trunk
-  1. Review the tickets that have been resolved since the last release, and 
update the RELEASE_NOTES file highlighting new features and issues fixed, 
optionally including major known issues that remain. The relevant tickets will 
usually be associated with a single milestone. However, check for tickets that 
are part of this release but have been closed 
[query:status=closed&resolution=fixed&milestone= without the milestone set].
+  1. Review the tickets that have been resolved since the last release, and 
update the RELEASE_NOTES file highlighting new features and issues fixed, 
optionally including major known issues that remain. The relevant tickets will 
usually be associated with a single milestone. However, check for tickets that 
are part of this release but have been closed 
[query:status=closed&resolution=fixed&milestone=&component!=siteadmin without 
the milestone set].
   1. Check for any 
unapproved licences or missing license headers.
   1. Update NOTICE and LICENSE files if required (should any licenses be 
added/removed; are the locations specified still accurate).
   1. Update packages version numbers in {{{bloodhound_<package>/}}} 
files to reflect the current overall version number (if required). The package 
version numbers should have been updated at the start of the release cycle.

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