#654: Rows in ticket query result set not sorted by column
  Reporter:  olemis        |      Owner:  gjm
      Type:  defect        |     Status:  accepted
  Priority:  blocker       |  Milestone:  Release 8
 Component:  multiproduct  |    Version:
Resolution:                |   Keywords:  ticket query, sorting

Comment (by olemis):

 Replying to [comment:8 gjm]:
 > I've been considering this one for a while now. The immediate problem is
 that lists of enums (Type, Status, Resolution, Priority and Severity for
 example) are not available as the query to select them is restricted to
 the product that they are performed in. This makes a bit less sense at the
 top level where there are none.
 > There are a number of ways to deal with this, one of which includes
 providing an extra variable on the env object to determine whether to
 force a db_direct_query and decorate the !AbstractEnum.select method to
 choose when no product is selected.

 I do not understand , I've tried something similar to this and still query
 does not sort tickets by ID are why do we need to add an extra attribute
 in the environment object ?

 The issue mentioned in comment:5 is just about label , I mean , column
 header is ''Ticket'' whereas values in column are priorities .

 > This would look something like:
 > {{{
 > #!python
 > import copy
 > from trac.ticket import model
 > from functools import wraps
 > def direct_query_override(f):
 >     @classmethod
 >     @wraps(f)
 >     def decorator(cls, env, *args, **kwargs):
 >         kwargs.pop('db', None)
 >         denv = copy.copy(env)
 >         if not getattr(denv, 'product', None):
 >             denv._db_direct_override = True
 >         return f.__get__(True).im_func(cls, denv, *args, **kwargs)
 >     return decorator
 > model.AbstractEnum.select =
 > }}}

 I'm not sure about this ... IMO we better keep them scoped to a given
 product and add a separate method to list all enums in all products ,
 `select_all` ? Notice that there's a case for retrieving all enums in
 different products .

 > That still leaves a bit to do about including:
 >  * duplicate removal


 >  * restricting returned values based on permissions


 >  * decide whether we care that enums may end up with different
 priorities in different products

 Should be important , maybe for highlighting .

Ticket URL: <https://issues.apache.org/bloodhound/ticket/654#comment:9>
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