#694: Translations scaffolding
  Reporter:  olemis     |      Owner:  olemis
      Type:  task       |     Status:  assigned
  Priority:  minor      |  Milestone:
 Component:  trac core  |    Version:  0.7.0
Resolution:             |   Keywords:  i18n

Comment (by olemis):

 Replying to [comment:56 SaintGermain]:
 > i18n patch is updated against svn trunk revision r1563594.
 > I've corrected the widget headers translation problem (domain
 initialisation problem).

 The code in the patch is not completely accurate considering the following
 criteria :

   1. i18n domain is hard coded , I mean , widget title translations will
 always be
     retrieved from `bhtheme` catalog
     * Notice that widgets may be embedded by plugins in a similar manner
 as it is
       done now in milestone and /products/<prefix> dashboards.
     * Besides widgets are meant to be written and embedded everywhere , so
 a more
       generic approach (like the one I started in `test` patch ;) is
   2. Translation happens twice if string is already translated e.g. in
 `render_widget` method
   3. When there's no repository defined in trac.ini the (expected) link to
     is displayed with `Source` caption and it will not be translated
       * ... opposite to mainnav `Tickets` ...
   4. Widget titles i18n does not completely work in the context of
 language switching .
     Let's consider this scenario
       * Start server
       * HTTP request with lang=es
       * Go to /prefs
       * Switch to lang=fr
       * Widget headers are still displayed in Spanish , see image below


Ticket URL: <https://issues.apache.org/bloodhound/ticket/694#comment:57>
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