#770: Location of test cases for bloodhound_multiproduct is not consistent with
other projects
  Reporter:  rjollos       |      Owner:  nobody
      Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
  Priority:  major         |  Milestone:
 Component:  multiproduct  |    Version:
Resolution:                |   Keywords:

Comment (by olemis):

 Well , the reasons are :

   1. Having a single top-level tests module (as opposite to Trac's
 scattered test modules)
      is convenient considering the package test discovery code
   2. For code with functional + unit tests (i.e. quite often) I prefer to
 write tests in a separate
      package hierarchy because :
      * they should not be installed in production deployments
      * they might be packaged and distributed independently should they be
 run against a
        given source tree to identify a certain issue , but then discarded
      * in practice there might be no need to import top-level source tree
 in order to
        import top-level test module and contained test code especially if
 writing functional tests
       - you'll need other dependencies instead e.g. [pypi:selenium] ,
 [pypi:twill] , stdlid `xmlrpclib` ...
       - and even for unit tests the top-level source package may always be
         and resources located with the help of `pkg_resources`
   3. other references
      * https://pytest.org/latest/goodpractises.html#choosing-a-test-
      * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5341006/where-should-i-put-
      * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/61151/where-do-the-python-unit-

Ticket URL: <https://issues.apache.org/bloodhound/ticket/770#comment:3>
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