Page "WikiStart" was changed by rjollos
Diff URL: 
Revision 42
Comment: We need a more prominent link to the registration page. Users 
repeatedly ask on the mailing list how to register for an account. However, 
that is blocked by the need to upgrade i.a.o, so it appears the best we can do 
for now is to add a link on WikiStart. See also #628.
Index: WikiStart
--- WikiStart (version: 41)
+++ WikiStart (version: 42)
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@
 You can also connect with the Bloodhound community through the IRC channel 
([irc:// #bloodhound on]).
+[/register Registering]  for an account in the Bloodhound issue tracker allows 
creating and commenting on tickets.
 == Useful links ==
  * TitleIndex: Complete list of the local wiki pages

Page URL: <>
Apache Bloodhound <>
The Apache Bloodhound issue tracker

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