#610: 'Submit ticket' button at bottom not working in Opera browser
  Reporter:  olemis     |      Owner:  olemis
      Type:  defect     |     Status:  needinfo(new)
  Priority:  minor      |  Milestone:  next 0.x
 Component:  ui design  |    Version:  0.6.0
Resolution:             |   Keywords:  ticket, form, comments, opera
Changes (by rjollos):

 * owner:  nobody => olemis
 * status:  new => needinfo(new)
 * milestone:   => next 0.x


 Would you kindly test the latest version of Bloodhound and let us know if
 the issue is still occurring?

Ticket URL: <https://issues.apache.org/bloodhound/ticket/610#comment:6>
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