#613: Add / remove milestone breaks a whole product
  Reporter:  olemis        |      Owner:  nobody
      Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
  Priority:  blocker       |  Milestone:  next 0.x
 Component:  multiproduct  |    Version:  0.6.0
Resolution:                |   Keywords:  milestone, postgresql, db, sqlite

Comment (by wimh):

 I currently can't respond to the lru_cache decorator, I did not look into
 that part of the code.

 But I think there are two separate issues with the adding/removing of

 ===== !QuickCreateTicketDialog =====
 If I disable the !QuickCreateTicketDialog from the !BloodhoundTheme
 plugin, this error will not be shown again after deleting a milestone:
 Error: Invalid milestone name

 Milestone milestone2 does not exist.
 ===== !MilestoneCache =====
 But still after adding or deleting milestones, the changes are not always
 visible in the list. If I remove the {{{@cached}}} decorator from
 source:/trunk/trac/trac/ticket/model.py#L949 (ie replace it with
 {{{@property}}} and remove both lines containing {{{del
 self.cache.milestones}}}), that is fixed too. But this alone is not
 sufficient to fix the !QuickCreateTicketDialog.

 The first issue seems to resolve itself after a few minutes. I am not sure
 about the second issue, it looks like apache must be restarted to fix

 Note that another easy way to reproduce this is running two {{{tracd}}}
 processes on different ports.

Ticket URL: <https://issues.apache.org/bloodhound/ticket/613#comment:19>
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