Page "BloodhoundReleaseProcess" was changed by rjollos
Diff URL: 
Revision 48
Comment: Another `$VER` replacement.
Index: BloodhoundReleaseProcess
--- BloodhoundReleaseProcess (version: 47)
+++ BloodhoundReleaseProcess (version: 48)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 svn co 
 cp bloodhound_dist_dev/* bloodhound_dist_release/
-svn add bloodhound_dist_release/apache-bloodhound-<version number>*
+svn add bloodhound_dist_release/apache-bloodhound-$VER*
 svn commit bloodhound_dist_release -m "releasing Bloodhound $VER"
 and wait for about 24 hours before moving on to announce the release (to give 
time for mirrors to update)

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