Page "BloodhoundReleaseNotes" was changed by rjollos
Diff URL: 
Revision 6
Comment: Release notes for 0.8.
Index: BloodhoundReleaseNotes
--- BloodhoundReleaseNotes (version: 5)
+++ BloodhoundReleaseNotes (version: 6)
@@ -1,4 +1,33 @@
 = Bloodhound Release Notes
+== 0.8
+ * i18n internationalization.
+ * Quick Create Ticket form sets product based on context and forwards
+   values to the ticket form when "More fields" is selected.
+ * Fixed caching issue that prevented product-scope trac-admin commands
+   from taking effect immediately.
+ * Improved presentation of the Products page.
+ * Improvements to ticket timeline (comments section).
+ * BloodhoundSearch now supports Whoosh >= 2.5.1 (upgraded from 2.4.1).
+ * Fixed several errors in !BloodhoundRelations validation logic.
+ * Bootstrap template for the Roadmap and Edit Product views.
+ * Bloodhound installer support for MySQL database.
+ * Product edits were always reported as anonymous.
+ * Quick Create Ticket displays the last created ticket for a short time
+   after it is created.
+ * Numerous other important fixes and minor enhancements.
+ * Not fixed for this release
+  * Cache is not properly refreshed for resources including wiki pages,
+    components and permissions; leading to stale data being displayed
+    after INSERTs and DELETEs (#614, #620, #681, #719, #748).
+  * Products cannot be deleted (#517).
+  * Duplicate relation is not added when batch modifying tickets (#761).
+  * !TicketDeleter component can't be used with !BloodhoundTheme (#427).
+  * No product-scope permission checks on the global dashboard (#572).
+  * Inconsistencies in query views when running PostgreSQL (#730).
 == 0.7
  * Duplicate ticket relation is integrated to the ticket workflow.

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