FTP has been edited by Claus Ibsen (Feb 06, 2009).

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FTP/SFTP Component

This component provides access to remote file systems over the FTP and SFTP protocols.

URI format


Where filename represents the underlying file name or directory. Can contain nested folders.
The username is currently only possible to provide in the hostname parameter.

If no username is provided then anonymous login is attempted using no password.
If no port number is provided. Camel will provide default values according to the protocol. (ftp = 21, sftp = 22)

Camel 2.x

See FTP2 as the File component in Camel 2.x has been greatly enhanced, and has a lot of changes and new features.




In Camel 1.4 or older the FTP consumer uses an internal timestamp for last polling. This timestamp is used to match for new remote files: if remote file modified timestamp > last poll timestamp => file can be consumed.

In Camel 1.5 this algorithm has been disabled by default as its not reliable over the FTP protocol. FTP Servers only return file modified timestamps using HH:mm (not seconds). And of course the clocks between the client and server can also be out of sync. Bottom line is that timestamp check for FTP protocol should not be used. That is why this feature is marked as @deprecated and will be removed in Camel 2.0.

We encourage you to use a different strategy for matching new remote files: such as deleting or moving the file after download.

More examples

This component is an extension of the File component. So there could be more samples and details on the File component page as well.

URI Options

Name Default Value Description
directory true indicates whether or not the given file name should be interpreted by default as a directory or file (as it sometimes hard to be sure with some FTP servers)
password null specifies the password to use to login to the remote file system
binary false specifies the file transfer mode BINARY or ASCII. Default is ASCII.
ftpClientConfig null Camel 1.5: Reference to a bean in the registry as a org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClientConfig class. Use this option if you need to configure the client according to the FTP Server date format, locale, timezone, platform etc. See the javadoc FTPClientConfig for more documentation.
consumer.recursive true/false if a directory, will look for changes in files in all the sub directories. Is true as default for Camel 1.4 or older. Will change to false as default value as of Camel 1.5
consumer.setNames true Used by FTPConsumer. If true Camel will use the filename the file has on the FTP server. The filename is stored on the IN message in the header FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME. Note: In Camel 1.4 the default value has changed to true.
consumer.delay 500 Delay in millis between each poll
consumer.initialDelay 1000 Millis before polling starts
consumer.userFixedDelay false true to use fixed delay between pools, otherwise fixed rate is used. See ScheduledExecutorService in JDK for details.
consumer.regexPattern null Used by FTPConsumer. Regular _expression_ to use for matching files when consuming.
consumer.exclusiveReadLock false Camel 1.5: Used by FTPConsumer. If set to true Camel will only poll the ftp files if it has exclusive read to the file (= the file is not in progress of being written). Camel will wait until it is granted, testing once every second. The test is implemented by Camel will try to rename the file. Setting to false Camel will poll the file even if its in progress of being written.
consumer.deleteFile false Camel 1.5: Used by FTPConsumer. Flag to set if the consumed file should be deleted after it has been downloaded.
consumer.moveNamePrefix null Camel 1.5: Used by FTPConsumer. The prefix String perpended to the filename when moving it. For example to move processed files into the done directory, set this value to 'done/'
consumer.moveNamePostfix null Camel 1.5: Used by FTPConsumer. The postfix String appended to the filename when moving it. For example to rename processed files from foo to foo.old set this value to '.old'
consumer.excludedNamePrefix null Camel 1.5: Used by FTPConsumer. Is used to exclude files if filename is starting with the given prefix.
consumer.excludedNamePostfix null Camel 1.5: Used by FTPConsumer. Is used to exclude files if filename is ending with the given postfix.
consumer.timestamp false Camel 1.5: @deprecated will be removed in Camel 2.0. This option is only for backwards comparability.
_expression_ null Camel 1.5: Use _expression_ to dynamically set the filename. This allows you to very easily set dynamic pattern style filenames. If an _expression_ is set it take precedes over the org.apache.camel.file.name header. (Note: The header can itself also be an _expression_). The _expression_ options supports both String and _expression_ types. If the _expression_ is a String type then its always evaluated using the File Language. If the _expression_ is an _expression_ type then this type is of course used as it - this allows for instance to use OGNL as _expression_ too.
passiveMode false Camel 1.5.1/2.0: Set whether to use passive mode connections. Default is active. This feature is only for regular FTP, not SFTP.
knownHosts null Camel 1.5.1/2.0: Sets the known_hosts file so that the SFTP endpoint can do host key verification.
privateKeyFile null Camel 1.5.1/2.0: Set the private key file to that the SFTP endpoint can do private key verification.
privateKeyFilePassphrase null Camel 1.5.1/2.0: Set the private key file passphrase to that the SFTP endpoint can do private key verification.

New default behavior for FTP/SFTP-Consumers in Camel 1.5

The consumer will always skip any file which name starts with a dot, such as ".", ".camel", ".m2" or ".groovy". Only files (not directories) is matched for valid filename if options such as: consumer.regexPattern, consumer.excludeNamePrefix, consumer.excludeNamePostfix is used.

The consumer recursive option will be changed from true to false as the default value. We don't feel that Camel out-of-the-box should recursive poll.

The consumer will not use timestamp algorithm for determine if a remote file is a new file - see warning section above. To use the old behavior of Camel 1.4 or older you can use the option consumer.timestamp=true.

Exclusive Read Lock

The option readLock can be used to force Camel not to consume files that is currently in the progress of being written. However this option is default turned off, as it requires that the user has write access. There are other solutions to avoid consuming files that are currently being written over FTP, for instance you can write the a temporary destination and move the file after it has been written.

Message Headers

The following message headers can be used to affect the behavior of the component

Header Description
org.apache.camel.file.name Specifies the output file name (relative to the endpoint directory) to be used for the output message when sending to the endpoint. If this is not present and no _expression_ either then a generated message Id is used as filename instead.
org.apache.camel.file.name.produced New in Camel 1.5: The actual absolute filepath (path + name) for the output file that was written. This header is set by Camel and its purpose is providing end-users the name of the file that was written.
org.apache.camel.file.total Camel 2.0: Current index out of total number of files being consumed in this batch.
org.apache.camel.file.index Camel 2.0: Total number of files being consumed in this batch.
file.remote.host The hostname of the remote server
file.remote.name The name of the file consumed from the remote server
file.remote.fullName The fullname of the file consumed from the remote server

Consumer properties

When using FTPConsumer (downloading files from a FTP Server) the consumer specific properties from the File component should be prefixed with "consumer.". For example the delay option from File Component should be specified as "consumer.delay=30000" in the URI. See the samples or some of the unit tests of this component.

Filename _expression_

In Camel 1.5 we have support for setting the filename using an _expression_. This can be set either using the _expression_ option or as a string based File Language _expression_ in the org.apache.camel.file.name header. See the File Language for some samples.

Camel 1.x Known issues

See the timestamp warning.

When consuming files (downloading) you must use type conversation to either String or to InputStream for ASCII and BINARY file types.
In Camel 1.4 this is fixed, as there are build in type converters for the ASCII and BINARY file types, meaning that you do not need the convertBodyTo _expression_.

In Camel 1.4 or below Camel FTPConsumer will poll files regardless if the file is currently being written. See the consumer.exclusiveReadLock option.

Also in Camel 1.3 since setNames is default false then you must explicitly set the filename using the setHeader _expression_ when consuming from FTP directly to File.
The code below illustrates this:

private String ftpUrl = "ftp://camelri...@localhost:21/public/downloads?password=admin&binary=false";
private String fileUrl = "file:myfolder/?append=false&noop=true";

return new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() throws Exception {
        from(ftpUrl).setHeader(FileComponent.HEADER_FILE_NAME, constant("downloaded.txt")).convertBodyTo(String.class).to(fileUrl);

Or you can set the option to true as illustrated below:

private String ftpUrl = "ftp://camelri...@localhost:21/public/downloads?password=admin&binary=false&consumer.setNames=true";
private String fileUrl = "file:myfolder/?append=false&noop=true";

return new RouteBuilder() {
    public void configure() throws Exception {


In the sample below we setup Camel to download all the reports from the FTP server once every hour (60 min) as BINARY content and store it as files on the local file system.

protected RouteBuilder createRouteBuilder() throws Exception {
    return new RouteBuilder() {
        public void configure() throws Exception {
            // we use a delay of 60 minutes (eg. once pr. hour we poll the FTP server
            long delay = 60 * 60 * 1000L;

            // from the given FTP server we poll (= download) all the files
            // from the public/reports folder as BINARY types and store this as files
            // in a local directory. Camel will use the filenames from the FTPServer

            // notice that the FTPConsumer properties must be prefixed with "consumer." in the URL
            // the delay parameter is from the FileConsumer component so we should use consumer.delay as
            // the URI parameter name. The FTP Component is an extension of the File Component.
            from("ftp://sc...@localhost/public/reports?password=tiger&binary=true&consumer.delay=" + delay).

And the route using Spring DSL:

     <from uri="ftp://sc...@localhost/public/reports?password=tiger&amp;binary=true&amp;consumer.delay=60000"/>
     <to uri="file://target/test-reports"/>

Using _expression_ for filenames

In this sample we want to move consumed files to a backup folder using today's date as a sub foldername. Notice that the move happens on the remote FTP server. If you want to store the downloaded file on your local disk then route it to the File component as the sample above illustrates.

from(ftpUrl + "&_expression_=backup/${date:now:yyyyMMdd}/${file:name}").to("...");

See File Language for more samples.

Consuming a remote FTP server triggered by a route

The FTP consumer is build as a scheduled consumer to be used in the from route. However if you want to start consuming from a FTP server triggered within a route it's a bit cumbersome to do this in Camel 1.x (we plan to improve this in Camel 2.x). However it's possible as this code below demonstrates.

In the sample we have a Seda queue where a message arrives that holds a message containing a filename to poll from a remote FTP server. So we setup a basic FTP url as:

// we use directory=false to indicate we only want to consume a single file
// we use delay=5000 to use 5 sec delay between pools to avoid polling a second time before we stop the consumer
// this is because we only want to run a single poll and get the file
// file=getme/ is the path to the folder where the file is
private String getFtpUrl() {
    return "ftp://ad...@localhost:" + getPort() + "?password=admin&binary=false&directory=false&consumer.delay=5000&file=getme/";

And then we have the route where we use Processor within the route so we can use Java code. In this Java code we create the ftp consumer that downloads the file we want. And after the download we can get the content of the file and put it in the original exchange that continues being routed. As this is based on an unit test it routes to a Mock endpoint.

from("seda:start").process(new Processor() {
    public void process(final Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        // get the filename from our custome header we want to get from a remote server
        String filename = exchange.getIn().getHeader("myfile", String.class);

        // construct the total url for the ftp consumer
        String url = "" + filename;

        // create a ftp endpoint
        Endpoint ftp = context.getEndpoint(url);

        // create a polling consumer where we can poll the myfile from the ftp server
        PollingConsumer consumer = ftp.createPollingConsumer();

        // must start the consumer before we can receive

        // poll the file from the ftp server
        Exchange result = consumer.receive();

        // the result is the response from the FTP consumer (the downloaded file)
        // replace the outher exchange with the content from the downloaded file

        // stop the consumer

Debug logging

This component has log level TRACE that can be helpful if you have problems.

See Also

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